Time for some life in this forum :-)

DieselBeef - Thanks for the links. One of these days I'll try playing around with it.

Joe- I've seen that type of pattern before, but mainly only on pipe stuff. It sure is purdy though! All the vids I've ever seen of it done though were scratch start without a pedal though. Like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_q57aOEFnw&feature=related

Got the fuel tank and oil tank made up today. Even found some scrap polished aluminum diamond plate laying around for the fuel tank :woohoo: . According to the math, the oil tank will be just shy of 23 gallons. Fuel tank is 10.

yer doing alright doin what yer doin man..just another gun in the arsenal...nice work..not alot of that out there
Your design is lookin good...you'll be thankful for that weight on the tongue once you get it finished up! We had to fill the 4" x 8" rectangular tubing solid on our just to get the weight balanced right.

Lookin forward to seeing this split some wood!
