Tips on polishing Aluminum!!!?


Sweet Home
Apr 24, 2007
Does anyone have any tips for me i have been workin on a valve cover for a while now and i keep gettin a haze after letting it sit a couple of days!

first off what should i use to sand? i have use emery cloth, first with course to fine! should i use a fine sand paper?

Second, i use mothers, a ploishing compound and an eagle-one polish? how can i get a mirror finish?

third, what can i do to keep this finish at least for a while?

thanks in advance!

also i bought a dremel but i think its to small for this job, and i really wanted to do all this by hand because of lack of money and tools?
What grit sand paper did you end with? The best I have found is to start with a 320 and work your way to an 800 grit and then finish with a soft buffing wheel using a tripoli or a jewelers rouge compound bar. Polishing aluminum takes a lot of patience!! Good Luck !!
I use 220 down to 1000 or 1500, finish off with some polishing wool, and then a rub down with some mothers. Time consuming but works great. Be sure to seal it when you're done. Good sealers are expensive but will hold up to the dirt, heat, salt, etc so you don't cringe every time you open your hood.

I polished the valve cover, compressor housing, timing cover, water pump, and intake on my car before i put the engine back together. First hard run I had a power steering leak that sprayed everywhere. I used a can of degreaser to start cleaning and it absolutely ruined the finish on everything. Next time I'll seal anything before it goes back on.
i have only used emery cloth! should i use a sand paper? where can i get a sealer?
I've never tried emery cloth. I've never seen it fine enough for polishing though. 1000 grit should be good enough before using 0000 wool and mothers.

This is a pretty good common sealer:

I've also heard great stuff about a sealer from the POR15 company but never seen it used on anything. I'm not sure if they make it anymore.
Zoopseal works good but just make sure that you have it polished like you want it before sealing it. Good Luck
or you can wet sand with 2000 grit and finish off with a fine cut polishing wheel and some wolfgang polish.
They sell a four stage kit containing 3 different polishing compounds. 1 being a cleaner, 2 being a medium polish and 3 being a high polish compound followed up by a sealer coat that is applied just like wax. Be sure you're using a soft cloth such as a good clean microfiber cloth or it will scratch the surface as well and leave residue behind.

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I just happen to run across this product there and have used it with good results.