To all Scheid Attenders

I can vouch for this second statement. My company is based out of Milwaukee. I go there for training and other short trips from time to time. What I am about to say is very important. Everyone I know likes the food at Cracker Barrel. THEY WILL NOT GO TO CRACKER BARREL IN MILWAUKEE BECAUSE THEY DO NOT SERVE BOOZE.

I don't know how it is in Ohio Dusty's, but some parts of the US are different than others. I am drop dead serious when I say that I have met an entire companies worth of people from Wisconsin that absolutely refuse to go somewhere that doesn't serve alcohol. PERIOD.[/QUOT

Drinking is huge here in our county. I guess I said the statement thinking of myself. I would be there beer or not. I like it but don't need it to survive.
Guys I know that the CompD crowd is only a small part of what will be represented at the SDX event, but lets please act like adults. If you want to blow smoke, drag race, hook to somethin, or do a burnout then do it at the track. Drive like you have some freakin sense and lets not terrorize the streets of Terre Haute and turn them into clouds of diesel and tire smoke. There was talk last year of not even having SDX this year. I would hate to see the best sled pulling event of the year (IMO) go down the tubes just because people cant control their Ricky Bobby like urges. Tell your friends.

That is all
Very very well said. I agree 100%