tq mangement

Fill out your signature so that we know what year truck we are trying to deal with.
sorry!2001 auto with edge and attitude.not much on computers,where to go to fill out signature?:bang
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You might wanna beef up your tranny first........burnouts with more juice and bigger tires will make your tranny flip you the finger REAL fast!
We have slightly used rad box here in the shop. Would sell it cheap if anyone is interested.
I'll let ya know tomorrow or monday. Turns out a buddy of mine has one and I'm gonna play with his first.
yes you have it... it is more distint on some trucks then others... if you do a 15psi 4x4 launch you should feel the tq management in 1st gear. I will feel like your power is surging in 1st since that is the only gear it affects.

mine wont do a burn out either but will whip donuts like no other but if i build a little boost then punch he it will break em lose a little other then that wont
I have a RAD and really like it. Very simple to turn on and off. I think that TQ management can be in 2nd gear too???? Not sure on that though.
Not to hi-jack the thread or anything but since were on the bd-rad subject, my truck (02) only has an adrenaline and it won't go past 105mph. Would I need a bd-rad to go past that since it feels like it's de-fueling? Thanks
Yup. Or the smarty. I sent the money off today for my RAD. Curious to see how it works cause a 10psi launch with the adrenaline SUCKED when the truck defueled.

I think the torque management level varies from truck to truck. Mine has always had it really bad while some of my buddy's seem to not have it at all.