Tranny electric vs cable kickdown ??


New member
Sep 29, 2010
i presently have a cable kickdown.

i was going to buy a low mile 48re and i just got this message from him.

"ok i think we have a problem, the trany i have is a 48re but its got the electric modual on the side for the shift down and reverse/forward. whrere as yours is going to have the shift down cable"

what are my options here?

can i upgrade to the electric?

or swap my parts onto it?

thanks in advance..

was going to pick it up in the next day or 2
I am pretty sure you can just take the motor off and use your cable setup.

I think you have to swap the lever in the VB, but other than that it will change out.
Pull the electric motor off the side of his, and put your kickdown lever on the valve body where the motor was. Will probably have to swap the cable bracket off of your transmissions also. Not a big deal.
cool. looks like it will work then. pick it up tomorrow and start building it.

I didnt want to take my own apart because then my truck would be out of commission

Thanks Guys
i talked to the guy again tonight. he got it out and has it out on the floor.

hes telling me i wont be able to swap my cable setup onto it.

says if I take the stepper motor off the hole is smaller then the manual lever???

anyone got any advice on this?

I think the arm in the VB is different, you can swap the arms over. I have an 05 transmission in my 97. It will work.