Tranny Issue


Simple Man
Sep 14, 2006
Ok guys, I got my tranny done last night and we didn't finish till real late. I drove my truck home pretty easy and everything seemed ok. This morning I drove to work and it seemed to bog a lot. Come to find out, I don't have first gear, and the truck is shifting at 2200-2300 RPM WOT. I'm thinking it has to do with the throttle positioning cable? What do you guys think?

Suncoast Input, Intermediate, Flexplate, HD Rebuild, Goerends triple disk, ATS Race VB.
You replace all the electronics? If so, then I'd think TPS.
They put in a new VB, but I think they used the same electronics. I need to take it back to them I guess...I was just hoping that it was a simple adjustment that could be made.
Could be a governor pressure solenoid.
Well guys, thanks. I'll just take it back to the guys. It's just a pain in the butt to get it back down there. Thanks, Buck
Had the exact problem when I put my Tranny in, and it was the TV cable. Seemed that my old cable was stretched 14" longer than a new oem replacement. Kicked my but trying to figure everything out, I would try to adjust the one you have or look at a new one but they are pricey.
Dangit.. I must be made aware of any funny inside jokes if you are gonna hijack LOL
alright... last hijack i promise... the joke is that tjshotrod is a ball licker. :eek:wned:
turns out it was a selanoid in the VB that they did'nt replace. Hopefully that solves it. We'll see when I pick it up tonight
alright... last hijack i promise... the joke is that tjshotrod is a ball licker. :eek:wned:

Don't hate me because I am faster than you. Hate me because your girlfriend loves my truck.:hehe: