Tranny shop reasonable drive from Little Rock?


Jan 28, 2007
I've got a coworker with an 06 2500 CTD 4WD that just went and spent $1500 getting some tranny work done because the tranny seemed like it didn't shift positively and also seemed like maybe it drifted in and out of gear sometimes. He said when he got it still seemed like it was goofing up on him. Now he's sure it's definitely still messing up. He took it to a friend's Dodge dealer shop and measured the pressures. He said they were way low. He said there was a unit on the outside of the tranny he replaced but that didn't help. Now he's out of ideas. And he will be going back and talking to the people that supposedly fixed it for him and see what they know about it. But it seems to me these trucks never really had an auto tranny in them worth shucks unless they get upgraded. Is there a shop in Memphis, or Dallas or someplace within reasonable driving distance from Little Rock that might be able to diagnose this and fix him up?
The way the vavle body is set up, how low is the line pressure. I would say Garmon is only one that i know of kinda close to you that does tranny work. You can call Dave Goerend also and he will help you over the phone as well as Jeff Garmon. I'd say call them and they can clue you in to what to look for.
BTS is in Arkansas aren't they? Not sure about their work, but I know member SwellMel drove down from STL for them to do his and he loves it... granted his is a Ford.

Nevermind... just googled them and they deal in Ford transmissions only it appears. To bad, they are in Lead Hill, AR
Thanks, guys. I imagine Dave Goerend or Jeff Garmon would take the time to try and help my buddy out. They're just good people that way. I bet Scott at Mass Diesel would as well. But I hate to impose on people's good natures knowing I can't travel so far as to use their services. But they are all great people and know their trannies.
Bosier City LA, PATC. Might give them a call and see what they have for services and installers around you.
James Northrum is in Dallas and is a awesome builder. His phone number is
Thanks, Stefan. I was telling my co-worker about DTT trannies (since I run one). I'll forward him this info.

Jim, you got that house done yet????
Sure are and doing real well! Got lots of new stuff coming out and our website is finally get up dated over the next couple months.