Tranny temp gauge


Feb 17, 2011
I did some research and didn't find what I was specifically looking for. I'm wondering what's the best tranny temp gauge out there? And where do you guy's recommend hooking it up at? I see some hooked in the pan, some in the hot line. I will be getting an edge cts this spring. Wasn't sure how accurate they are on measuring the temp. Do they tap into the wire diagram or is it hard wired to the tranny with a temp probe? Would I be better with a manual gauge for the tranny? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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I just want to make sure I am getting an accurate reading on the gauge. Leeso have you shot your tranny pan with a temp gun to make sure the temp is the same as what your cts is showing? Brad this is on the wife's 06. She doesn't want the pillar gauge set-up. Where would you recommend in mounting the gauge? I still have the stock pan on it for now. Will be changing the pan when I get a new goerend transmission. Saw on youtube the cts has an input that goes into the side of the tranny. Take a bolt out and screw in the temp sensor. Is that not a good place to put it?
Took a temp reading of the trans pan today the gauge said 82 but the infrareds said 60 degrees C so I took some other readings on the cooler lines, it wasn't 82 anywhere so now I'm a bit worried about the other gauges I have on the cts thanks cerickson now I have to check em all, I know I have trouble with the speedo on the cts.. So much for nothing to do these days off.
Your welcome Leeso. I am no mechanic by any means. I read that somewhere that a lot of the cts's are reading different than what the actual tranny temp is. One thing about it, at least your cts is reading hotter. Could be a good thing. Better than reading cooler than what the actual temp is.
The location is half a dozen one half a dozen the other. The ports on the passenger side of the transmission will only give you a temperature reading when you are in that gear which isn't really practical. The temp sensor in the hot line will inform you of how hot the fluid is getting coming out of the converter but still doesn't inform you fully weather the trans is slipping to cause the heat cause if the cooling system isn't working then the fluid in the pan is hot. I would say the pan temp is the first place to start. If you were willing to do two temp sensors one in the pan and one in the hot line you could determine if the cooling system was working properly or that the transmission is slipping and creating all the extra heat.
If you want to do the cts just get the aux. cts temp sensor and put it in a mag deep pan.

Does isspro make a two temp sensor set-up for their gauge? I see that autometer does.
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the important thing is that you are monitoring the temp at all. but on the same note, heat is the reason for i would say 70% of trans failures so by the time the pan gets dangerously hot you are already circulating that heat back to the converter, which makes more heat.

i have been running temp from the pan for years and i just switched to line temp. i think it gives me a better idea of when to start backing off of her in the summer when towing.

to each is own as long as you know when too hot is too hot. the gauge is useless is you ignore it.
the important thing is that you are monitoring the temp at all. but on the same note, heat is the reason for i would say 70% of trans failures so by the time the pan gets dangerously hot you are already circulating that heat back to the converter, which makes more heat.

i have been running temp from the pan for years and i just switched to line temp. i think it gives me a better idea of when to start backing off of her in the summer when towing.

to each is own as long as you know when too hot is too hot. the gauge is useless is you ignore it.

I've ran my sender in the out line off the pump ever since I did the auto swap. And mine is T-ed into the line, not those metal adapter things that hold them against the line.
Why did dodge never put a tranny temp gauge on a truck when they are bought for towing purposes? Will the cts tap into the pcm to monitor the trans temp?
How accurate will that be? Like Leeso, he is seeing a 20 degree difference in the temps. Where is the truck computer getting the temps of the transmission from? Don't want to be beating a dead horse, just look for input.