Trans still shifting early but i checked everything and there are no codes!

This is what I would do before I bought a new valve body. Since you already have the transgo kit get u a clean catch pan so you can reuse your oil drop your pan and adjust the minimum TV screw in until your almost out of threads. Then check your band adjustment at the lever check the distance between the servo pin and the lever for a hot band adjustment pry the Leaver up and adjust the distance to a quarter inch or just under this might help your two three shift. And if you have a new set of electronics install them.
well to be honest i really dont have any money to do anything right now cause of this trans being rebuilt and not very much time at all cause work is on overload so would it be a big problem if i drove it and manualy shifted it for a while till i got got some time and money to monkey with it in a week or two or would it be hurting it?
well i dont think i know enough about transmissions to do something like that unless ya think i could handle it? i know v-8s like the back of my hand but transmissions i know nothing much about.
the adjustments he is decribing sound complicated until you drop the pan and look at what he is talking about, then you should have no problem making the adjustments, just be sure you know what you are turning before you turn it. hope you get it fixed...
well i did a lil guess and check today and was just playing around with the tv cable adjustment. from what i know is that i have to much gov press or to less throttle press so that i did it had the throttle all the way open and on the engine side of the tv cable you can see the cable part of the tv cable now i had kind of a ****** rig of just testing and and checking but i clamped a fishing line weight to the cable about a 1/4 of the way up from the throttle linkage and tested it and it shifted the same so i continued to move the weight farther and farther up the cable till it was about 3/4 of the way up the cable from the throttle linkage so its like holding the tv cable open so it is at like 3/4 throttle all the time and it shifts firm and at the right time! but the cable is still hooked up to the throttle so once it gets past 3/4 throttle to wot it pulls the cable the rest of the way. now once again this was just a test and i took it off now but after doing this what is the reason? i am guessing that the throttle spring is to weak and the pressure isnt high enough? I guess i am just looking for a reason or cause? No matter what it is going to the trans shop on monday cause i am sick of dicking with it and just want it right! but a lil help with why this worked and what is wrong would most likely help out this guy at the trans shop! sorry its so long but i wanted to explain it in detail so you can kindof see what i did thanks
there are spool valves (shift valves) in the valve body. one for 1-2 another for 2-3, etc. each one has a spring on one side of a certain pressure. 1-2 being the lightest and increasing pressure springs with 2-3, etc. the spring acts on one side of the shift valve while governor pressure pushes on the other side trying to move the shift valve. since governor pressure is speed related, at a certain point (speed) determined by the spring tension, the governor pressure will overcome the shift valve and move the spool valve re-directing the fluid to the correct clutch packs. when you put the fishing weight on the TV cable, the throttle pressure was boosted up, and the throttle pressure assists the spring on the shift valves from being overcome by governor pressure. in other words, with the spring pushing on the shift valve, plus the increased throttle pressure helping it, would require more governor pressure (and hence more speed) on the other side of the spool (shift) valve, to move that valve to make the shift. this is why on WOT pulls the transmissions shift points (at least in a hydraulically shifted trans) are higher than just cruising at light throttle. the throttle pressure is also directed to the back of the pressure regulating valve to help boost main line pressure. hope this helps you understand what was goin on a little bit. hopefully the tranny shop can get it all fixed up for ya.
Well you stimulated what I told you to do now adjust it In the valve body.
thank you so much far all your help but now i can tell the trans shop guy that the springs need to be stronger and or the pressure needs to be higher! thanks again!