Transfer Case


New member
Apr 25, 2009
i have a 04 LLY with a leaking t-case, i've been told there is a defactive pin in the case that wears a hole in the housing, just wondering if im the only one with this problem, thanks
Quite a few people have had the problem. Have you found a hole? If so start looking for a t-case. The case pump works a hole in the housing.
i havent found one but my question is if its a defective part why hasn't GM done anything about it??
happens a lot.... think it's even known to happen the smaller 241/243 as well. Don't recall hearing about it on the 271/273 though.

Do a search for "pump rub" and you'll find the answers to your questions. ;)

Sorry and good luck with the repairs.
thanks guys, are there any aftermarket transfer cases that would be stronger than stock? eventually i would like to get a transmission and build from there
with one of the kits installed to stop the pump rub from reoccurring, the xcase is very strong and will be fine for just about as crazy a build as you want with the truck.

Merchant Automotive
Kennedy Diesel
Mike Lovrich - MikeL - Ingelwood Trans.

and a couple others make pieces to install in a good case to keep it from ever happening. Not sure about all of them but Eric Merchant offers a 1million mile warranty on his to stop the pump rub from happening if it hasn't already when installed.

Good luck
found the hole today its about the size of a pen point, if i degrease the case and put jb weld or some other apoxy on it how long will that buy me?
tried the jb weld didnt work for every long. i took mine to a guy thats arches and repairs aluminum semi trailers and he welded the hole for me 2 years ago and haven't had any problems