Transmission help needed

Edged Dodge

Full pull all the way
Sep 3, 2008
I have a 2001 cummins and the tranny wont stay in overdrive. If i use my lock-up switch then it will stay in overdrive but if i dont it wants to jump out of gear. Could the torque converter be the problem of why its doing this? Any help will be great the torque converter is a suncoast less then 1000 miles on it right now.
I have a 2001 cummins and the tranny wont stay in overdrive. If i use my lock-up switch then it will stay in overdrive but if i dont it wants to jump out of gear. Could the torque converter be the problem of why its doing this? Any help will be great the torque converter is a suncoast less then 1000 miles on it right now.

Sure it isn't locking and unlocking?
Check the APPS, TV pressure, make sure your O/D solenoid actually works, check what little there is to the electronics around it. If you mash on it in O/D and it doesn't slip with the TCC switch on, your transmission hard parts should be fine. These transmission set from the factory don't like to stay in O/D.

EDIT: Check even the wires going to the transmission, damaged wires going to the transmission aren't out of question either.
no smarty just edge comp. with the switch on it doesent slip at all and with it off it still dosent slip just dosent want to stay in od.
Sounds like the converter is locking and unlocking. Try cleaning all the grounds first (battery, firewall, block, ect.)
that what my problem was that my grounds crap on the inside of the termail not on the outside i thought it was something else to till i just took everyhing off and found it was just grounds
if it is kicking out of overdrive and even the overdrive off light comes on and you cant turn it off using the od off button then its because the transmissions is too hot and the computer kicked the truck out of od too turn more rpm's to surculate more fluid to try too cool the trany down but usually when this happens the transmission temp light also comes on but not always.
im going to check everythang when i get time. would the oil cause anyprobems. i had a head blow and theres oil every where on this thank now.