Truck is down...what could it be???

Extended Power

New member
May 19, 2006

After sitting for two weeks, I went to start the poor thing. Had low batteries as I cycled the glow plugs, and waited for the light to go out...
Turned over, and barely started..
Well, it was barely running, smoking huge black smoke out the pipe, idleing about 475-525...
Shut it down...cycled key go, batteries dead.

Got a buddy to give me a boost with his little ranger...same thing, tons of black smoke, very low RPM's, and a ticking sound coming from around the FICM area.

Gave it NOT enough time to charge batteries before I tried it again, and again.

Same result every time...heavy black smoke, NO response from the throttle pedal when pushed to the floor trying to rev it up...very low RPM's...

I called the wife, and told her I was leaving the truck, and getting a ride home, (3 hour drive) with a buddy...

Truck ran beautiful before it was shut problems with the drive.

Possible causes???

-Very weak batteries
-botched GPM (Glow Plug Module)
-Crapped out FICM???

What could it be?

I need to take everything possible...there was no check engine light, but I am taking the A/E software with me when I go. (I think the truck has to run for it to work though...)

-it was starting to build oil pressure, but I had to shut it off.

Any ideas???
did you try wiggling the connections to the FICM to see if something came loose? i had mine do something similar to this, and when i wiggled the back connector, it was just loose enough that it caused the truck to run goofy..
if its anything like the 7.3 ...when the alternator is toast, it runs like a turd because the IDM requires so much power to drive it. pull the alt. and test it.
The Optima's have been getting weak for awhile. Maybe they just decided to pack it in.

Never buying the "RED TOPS" again.....maybe the "Yellow" this time...
I priced out the Odyssey batteries a couple months ago.
Yeah...$800.00 for the two....I don't think so...(But they are a kick a$$ battery.
The Optima "Yellow" tops were only $400.00 a set of two. Same warranty as the Odyssey battery...1 year.
Charge the optimas for 1 hour at 60 amps, then for 24 at 2 amps. They have to charge very very slow.
I don't know much about Fords, but what I have seen is that when the 2 computer boxy things for the injection system are screwy, they run like crap if they will run at all. Also, the only Ford's I've worked on are 7.3's I don't know id the 6.0 has 2 boxes. On a 7.3 one is under the dash, and the other is behind the driver's side front fender (WTG Ford engineers on finding the most f-ed up out of the way place to stick that particular part)
I was talking to the techs at the dealership that is doing my studs and talking about FICM's. He said they see more FICM's get fried because of weak batteries than anything else. He said 9 times out of 10 when a truck comes in with a bad FICM, they test the batteries and they are about ready to go....
Charge the optimas for 1 hour at 60 amps, then for 24 at 2 amps. They have to charge very very slow.

It's in a parking electricity.

I'm gonna take my generator with me...but that's to charge and or boost the new batteries should they run down.

I don't have the time to wait 24 hours for them to charge right now...I just need to get the truck back home. (Kinda like when you "gotta go" just halfta get home to your own washroom...):hehe:

Gonna pick up some new Optima's today.
I was talking to the techs at the dealership that is doing my studs and talking about FICM's. He said they see more FICM's get fried because of weak batteries than anything else. He said 9 times out of 10 when a truck comes in with a bad FICM, they test the batteries and they are about ready to go....


Guess I'll be purchasing a used FICM before I go...
is it chipped? Black smoke is a sign of too much fuel! get it started and let it run and warm up could be an injector leaking. if it will start let it warm up then start looking. nothing else plug in the block heater too.
What are the temps like up there?

I still say FICM. When mine went it idled way low like that causing it to lope and belch out smoke. It only ran for about 30 seconds, died, and wouldn't fire back up at all. When the dealer put the new FICM in, they charged my batteries because they did see that correlation...
Those 6L smoke black, smell ****, and when you got on the throttle it loop, smoke like a monster and die when the FICM are going bad. Hit the FICM with an hammer 2-3 times so it will start again if you are lucky and die again ...

New FICM need to be program, so if you got a new one, truck will not start. Cost about 60$ at the dealer to be program.
I lucked out everyone!!!
Swapped out the batteries, and she fired up like nothing ever happened.
Temp outside was -6*C (23*F)
She smoked pretty good for about 10-15 minutes, but I'm sure that was just unburnt fuel from the other day.

I feel so much better now!!!!:rockwoot: