Truck is down...what could it be???

I hed left my truck at the airport last year when I was in California for a month. I sent my FIL to get it so it wouldn't cost $450 to get it out. He waited about a week before going to get it and reported it was hard to start then. Knowning how weak batteries will fry the FICM I had my wife get new Interstates the next day.

I'm glad you just needed batteries. As far as Optimas red tops go I won't be using them anymore. I've had three and they all go dead if not used regularly. A couple of cars I own almost never get driven and as such I unhook the batteries when parked. The optimas always require charging when hooked back up. El cheapo parts store batteries seem to handle this situation just fine. Go figure.
The only reason I am using the Optima's is because they don't spill. I can't stand a dirty truck, or battery acid all over everything.

The Odyssey batteries are just plan crazy priced, and have the same warranty as the Optima's.
$578 here with a 3 year warranty and a lot more instantaneous power than the optima. Which Group battery did you go with? Should have been a Group 65 battery.
$578 here with a 3 year warranty and a lot more instantaneous power than the optima. Which Group battery did you go with? Should have been a Group 65 battery.

I am from Canada.:bang
For some reason, my dollar isn't as valuable as you dollar, so they charge $400.00 a piece for the Odyssey batteries...and have the same warranty as the Optima's...1 year.

I got close to 5 years on the red tops, but they were hurting 2 years ago...way back when I was in Ohio for a "Recon" mission.:gag:
Well for next time we ship to Canada via UPS. Actually have a bunch of competitors in Canada that we ship to.