truck only a year old

I smell a trust fund or an inheritence... or... I smelled one back when this vid was first making the rounds
yep I have seen many of those kids come and go, mommy and daddy pay for thier truck and the treat it like crap, either they end up blowing it up because they don't know how to take care of them or the roll them, one kid rolled two brand new trucks, blew up his cummins intentially to get a new engine and boiled the oil in the rental car he had while his truck was getting a new engine all within a year.
What did he try taking it back to get warranty work done? And the shop is taking proof of the shape it was in?
I smell a trust fund or an inheritence... or... I smelled one back when this vid was first making the rounds

probably did not have to pay for it themself.......

I completely agree, trust fund coupled with a lot more of those bud light cases that were in the bed and you have a year old truck that looks like.......sh1t. He did have some custom mods though, anyone know who sells that exhaust he had on there?? Or that high flow filter?? They have to be worth a couple hundred HP, right?? :what:
i got some rich friends and they didnt treat their trucks that bad, my brothers got a rich friend though and he drove his new duramax into a creek flooded the whole truck then had it hauled to the dealer they voided his warranty so daddy paid to get it fixed, people like that just piss me off get everything handed to them never work for anything and totally destroy it. They should have gotten a good beaten as a child
Looks like an abused farm truck to me. Nothing special. Just cause a truck is a year old and beat up doesn't mean it's some spoiled kids truck.

Why is it that when people see something like this they automatically assume it's some spoiled kid? And what's the empty beer case in the bed got to do with anything? I've probably got about 2 cases of empty cans in the back of mine and my buddy's got more than that in theirs and non of them are torn up like that. 99% of them are from the bed being used as a trash can sitting in a driveway drinking beer. Not from drinking and driving. For all any of you know this could be some old guy that just flat doesn't care and just drives his truck however he wants and doesn't care.
I've met quite a few of those. And I've met quite a few that don't have much money at all but are just old country folks that don't care about their vehicles and use them for whatever they need them to.
but seriously... how are you going to go pay $40k for a new truck and never change the air filter and cut the exhaust off? why?

despite the age of the owner, they're spoiled and obviously aren't really working for their money
Very easily. They just don't care. And it has nothing to do with being spoiled. I know a lot of broke farmers that own/finance/lease brand new trucks and just beat the tar out of them and it doesn't bother them in the least.
Not really. If you've got even a half decent credit score you can get a dang nice truck.