Truckers, lets see your rigs!

Throwback Thursday for me.

I hate you had so many problems out of that truck. I love the look of it though, simple and clean. Not too much anywhere. Honestly, and some may disagree, only thing I would change is adding Pickett elbows. I just think they look a lot cleaner and give the exh a more finished look. Maybe a lollipop on each end of the bumper, but that's it.
You will find more V12s in standard 352s then you will in H models, and there were some standard 352s made with the K as well.
I hate you had so many problems out of that truck. I love the look of it though, simple and clean. Not too much anywhere. Honestly, and some may disagree, only thing I would change is adding Pickett elbows. I just think they look a lot cleaner and give the exh a more finished look. Maybe a lollipop on each end of the bumper, but that's it.

I like the classic exhaust but I always kinda wanted to put elbows on it but then part of me didn't.
The whole time I was in it, it was getting a mirror finish square bumper cover. And then getting lights on each end of the bumper. That never happened till I quit. He didn't put anyone else in that truck. He built it for me and sold it when I left.

I had plans for some more classic lighting ideas but obviously never got the chance.
You will find more V12s in standard 352s then you will in H models, and there were some standard 352s made with the K as well.

Yeah, I was generalizing a bit lol. There's an H cab up in WA I go by all the time with a dead 3408, I get ideas but I think I'm too fat and old to crawl in and out of a coe.

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Yeah, I was generalizing a bit lol. There's an H cab up in WA I go by all the time with a dead 3408, I get ideas but I think I'm too fat and old to crawl in and out of a coe.

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I don't know, between my A and K100 the first step off the ground is taller on the A model, I have more trouble getting weaseled around trying not to burn myself on the stacks on the A model as well, once inside there is no comparison. I'd much rather drive the K100.
I'm definitely more comfortable in a kenworth cabover than a pete. It's been a while since I've been in any of them but I really think I like the freightliners the best.

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I've got my eye on a K100 with the studio sleeper and a wounded silver 8V92, I guess the blower shat the bed and the rotors are pretty torn up, I'd swing it out and swing in the 12-71 we have sitting in the corner of the shop at work. Always have loved me a two stroke driptroit

I didn't say why, if I can find the parts to do away with the hydraulic assist steering on the A model I'm hoping that fixes the way it drives. The thing will scare the chit out of you if you aren't careful the way it sits.
Yea... Cause old school ain't cool right?
Last I checked, I'm a dying breed. Haha

I'm just not a big stack, big visor, etc etc kinda guy.

This was my build, and I loved everything about it.

Heck, I made a dump truck look alright for gods sake.


On edit: I'm 23, I don't know jack about jack so take everything with a grain of salt.

No to be a dick but whose money are you playing with? Don't get me wrong I like the Petes you were driving. Both of them look great and have a lot of class. I can appreciate that. But they are Peterbilts, and most Peterbilt drivers/ owners are like Ford owners, they think nothing else should be on the road.

I think mine looks good for a limited budget. Most of it is all original 1986 vintage that hadn't been well taken care of. The most expensive piece was the grill and I paid $450 for that shipped from Cali.

And I'm only 26 and can't even pass a CDL road test. I don't know a lot about a lot, but I have been around these things since I was 5 years old.

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I've driven Petes and even owned one. I like the trucks, but I finally just had to admit to myself that I'm a KW guy, the next one I buy for myself will be either a W900A/L or a K100
No to be a dick but whose money are you playing with? Don't get me wrong I like the Petes you were driving. Both of them look great and have a lot of class. I can appreciate that. But they are Peterbilts, and most Peterbilt drivers/ owners are like Ford owners, they think nothing else should be on the road.

I think mine looks good for a limited budget. Most of it is all original 1986 vintage that hadn't been well taken care of. The most expensive piece was the grill and I paid $450 for that shipped from Cali.

And I'm only 26 and can't even pass a CDL road test. I don't know a lot about a lot, but I have been around these things since I was 5 years old.

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Well, none of it was my money and didn't intend trying make it sound like that.

As for the Peterbilt/ford thing. Agreed completely and I'm no where remotely that way. I appreciate it all!
I love kenworths almost as equal to peterbilts.
I also enjoy old freightliners a lot. I'd probably have to say my favorite coe's are actually freightliners.

I think you took my comments as "knocking" you're truck and in no way was that my intention at all. I like you're truck a great deal. Especially because of that fact of its built by you and with you're money.

I'll be straight up honest and say I couldn't ever make owning my own truck happen and I always took great pride in what I was able to drive (probably too much).
The blue truck I drove last was truck number three in that fleet. The other two were the red 379 and the 386. I'd pretty well feel comfortable telling you I probably took more pride in that blue truck than the owner. That's why he loved me (until the day I quit). Which is why he also sold that truck when I quit. The dump truck, it took that guy 6-8 months to put a driver in after I left.

I feel most guys in this thread take my postings like I'm better than you guys, that's not my intention either. You guys own you're trucks... I never did.
I don't think peterbilt guys are like that, most of the guys I know just like cool stuff. I think the problem guys are the werner company driver that got him a peterbilt and thinks that makes him special. I prefer peterbilts, it's what I own and mostly what I've driven but I don't care what it is if it's cool.

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I don't think peterbilt guys are like that, most of the guys I know just like cool stuff. I think the problem guys are the werner company driver that got him a peterbilt and thinks that makes him special. I prefer peterbilts, it's what I own and mostly what I've driven but I don't care what it is if it's cool.

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I love it all, but at the end of the day, I prefer a Peterbilt.
Don't set your standards high and buy an old truck, I don't drive and probably never will, but that doesn't mean I can't own a truck. Keep your eyes peeled and find a 359 in the weeds or going cheap and slowly build it how you want it.

I gave $3500 for my A model and sold the engine in pieces for $800, I'm still working on it but it is an alright old truck, and would be even better with a steering and driveline update.
Don't set your standards high and buy an old truck, I don't drive and probably never will, but that doesn't mean I can't own a truck. Keep your eyes peeled and find a 359 in the weeds or going cheap and slowly build it how you want it.

I gave $3500 for my A model and sold the engine in pieces for $800, I'm still working on it but it is an alright old truck, and would be even better with a steering and driveline update.

Well when I was looking, I needed something road ready and had to have help from a bank. Banks hate older trucks. If it wasn't for that, I woulda had my truck.

94 900l
Aero1 bunk
13 speed
Ddec 3
They wouldn't help me out cause it was too old.
Well, none of it was my money and didn't intend trying make it sound like that.

As for the Peterbilt/ford thing. Agreed completely and I'm no where remotely that way. I appreciate it all!
I love kenworths almost as equal to peterbilts.
I also enjoy old freightliners a lot. I'd probably have to say my favorite coe's are actually freightliners.

I think you took my comments as "knocking" you're truck and in no way was that my intention at all. I like you're truck a great deal. Especially because of that fact of its built by you and with you're money.

I'll be straight up honest and say I couldn't ever make owning my own truck happen and I always took great pride in what I was able to drive (probably too much).
The blue truck I drove last was truck number three in that fleet. The other two were the red 379 and the 386. I'd pretty well feel comfortable telling you I probably took more pride in that blue truck than the owner. That's why he loved me (until the day I quit). Which is why he also sold that truck when I quit. The dump truck, it took that guy 6-8 months to put a driver in after I left.

I feel most guys in this thread take my postings like I'm better than you guys, that's not my intention either. You guys own you're trucks... I never did.

I'm not taking anything as you are saying as a knock. Because I realize there is so many different views of these things and everyone has an idea of what they would like their truck to look like. I honestly started working on this truck with an idea of what I wanted it to look like, and it's not even close to what I envisioned but I get compliments all about it. And mostly I don't have the heart to paint the stainless or chrome.

I'm glad to hear you didn't spend any of your own money on either one of those trucks. That would be idiotic.

It's great to see and hear of guys taking pride in the trucks they drive. In my opinion that's the best kind of driver a fleet can have. For one the trucks will always look great. And two of they driver takes pride in the truck, the trucks don't get beaten on and they driver pays more attention to what is going on. Teaching pride or asking to take pride in a truck is not something that can be taught or bought. It's just something that is programmed into some of us. I am that way too. We go to these pulls week in and week out and not matter what I have to wash mine and clean the interior. I can't just wipe it down and be done. I'm just to meticulous, even though I don't have show pieces.

I don't think your being arrogant at all. Just taking pride in what you do.

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This is an oilfield truck, and has been for 1½ years now, would you ever guess it?