Trukz The Game

I sent a request to join your guys company, screen name willy91
i just registered, bought truck, yaddy yaddy, picked route and now im at the route dashboard. what do i do now?
ok, i wasnt accepted by the company. so you dont actually get to drive the truck, you just watch the fuel gauge and speedometer?
ok so how exactly does this work? I can only go so far and my driver is tired. Do I have to wait all day for him to rest or is there a place to choose a sleep spot?
Willy91 said:
ok so how exactly does this work? I can only go so far and my driver is tired. Do I have to wait all day for him to rest or is there a place to choose a sleep spot?
just wait 10 hrs basically. That's the only catch to it. Don't get over 10 fatigue points or you will get ticketed eventually.

White07psd pm the ram archer from the company and tell him that "the hooker" sent you. You should get accepted then
i got accepted by another company? is there more to the game then filling up with fuel and watching a speedometer? do i actually get to operate the truck like a video game?