Tst r49ap


Jul 16, 2006
I have the tst r49ap with palm pilot deal and dr performance pressure box. What settings have yall seen work good on this setup? Right now when I turn it on hp9 tq9 rail5 timing6 on early 05 trck runs good but falls on it face after 35psi to 43psi then it hits 1625*f and will pick back up??? When I have it on perf it runs fine but still falls off and pick back up. What setting have y'all found to work the best with my setup? Thanks
You're pushing it too hard. I don't like to run the tst by itself but if I do I run the hp and go easy on the tq.
Careful your playing with fire there running those settings. I dont know what all you have done to your truck but its likely your running your rail dry. I can pull my rail down to 4K psi with half that setting. I have had better luck myself and have seen better numbers by running it on the standard programing. That is a very aggressive box start low on standard prog and work your way up. Also be careful with that rail setting it will blow your prv.
If I go higher on the rail it will drain it and start poppin real hard. The only things I have done is the tst and custom dr p pressure box and the normal intake and exhaust I'm bout to mod my pump but that will be it still runnin stock injectors and turbo. So start off on STD and go up from there?
Like the big nasty said, I dont like running mine alone in the higher settings because its so aggressive and hits hard, I run it stacked on lower settings. If your still running stock pump injectors and turbo there is no need to use it out side of the standard programing. That box will demand more fuel than what your pump can produce even with stock injectors. As for the falling on its face issue you may have your egt or boost limits set too low and its defueling, then coming back online. Also be careful with that timing advance, if you hear it start clattering cut it back. So yeah start at some low settings make a couple runs, check your data logger and step it up till you notice no gain or a serious drop in RP and rise in EGT.
My '04.5 dynoed 570+hp with a TST/R39 and stock injectors, the egts never went over 1350* preturbo. Power-7 Torque-5 and RP never dropped below 21k.
My '04.5 dynoed 570+hp with a TST/R39 and stock injectors, the egts never went over 1350* preturbo. Power-7 Torque-5 and RP never dropped below 21k.

sounds bout right mine did 585 on stock pump and injectors @ 1300 something degrees, and 39 psi.
Yeah boost. Kept it gated back to save the HG. but yes it peged my 60lb gauge quick before i got it adjusted right.
im guessing my high egts is cause i dont have high enough rail pressure? yall are saying i may be able to get over 500hp with this box on my setup?
Your gonna be hard pressed to do much over 5 with that stock turbo, which is the main cause of the high EGT's. I was running a 62/71/14.
ok well this weekend i think im gonna mod my pump and once i put a turbo on i should be able to turn it up and be up there where yall r talkin