Turbo for sale


Comp D's Doe Killer
Apr 13, 2007
Here is this Edge/ Turbonetics BB T-58 , I have put close to 300 miles on it which was just long enough to figure out it was to big for my application.
I will say it sounds awesome! :D
Open to offers and trades.



Looks purdy but looks a little rich for my blood - bump for a nice looking piece! what power does that support?
Do they still make that turbo? I was looking on their website but could not find it. i did not want to low ball you so i wanted to get an idea of what it was. What are the specs on it?
Once again I want it how much will you take? Offers can be harsh so... You can pm me on what you are asking and I will get back to you.
$1500 on XDP, i dont know for sure but i thought kyle offerd discounts on top of that if you said you were a member of one of his forums he vendors on.
$1500 on XDP, i dont know for sure but i thought kyle offerd discounts on top of that if you said you were a member of one of his forums he vendors on.

thanks, yea they were a very nice unit but they discontinued it for some reason. and also it was made by diesel dynamics. here's one we did for a cust.
thanks, yea they were a very nice unit but they discontinued it for some reason. and also it was made by diesel dynamics. here's one we did for a cust.

Hmm ... funny. Sales reps and warranty dept. at Turbonetics says differently.
Wonder why they would warranty, tag and balance a turbo they didn't manufacture? Also wonder why diesel dynamics sends them out in Turbonectic Boxes ? Must be a underground network of some sorts?
I'd like to buy this turbo, but fear I would out grow it to fast, how much power are these capable of producing?
This turbo was built by Turbonetics with a 58mm compressor wheel and a .81 divided turbine side with an "R" trim wheel that is no longer available. Turbo was designed as a towing charger to support a maximum of 450hp.

Hmm ... funny. Sales reps and warranty dept. at Turbonetics says differently.
Wonder why they would warranty, tag and balance a turbo they didn't manufacture? Also wonder why diesel dynamics sends them out in Turbonectic Boxes ? Must be a underground network of some sorts?

lol that's just the info i got from diesel dynamics, don't shoot the messenger. none the less it's still a good unit.