Turbo/ tuner question


New member
Oct 16, 2007
My brother got a 01 with 90hp injectors and edge attitude. He's not a big fan of the smoke that come out of it. What was be a good turbo to. Run. We are fed up with industrial and bd. So this turbo will b a bg we were thinking a 63/68/14 or a fmw 62/71/14. He doesn't tow heavy with it.

What's the difference from the attitude with juice vs the drag comp box? Or should he just throw it away and get a smarty if so what one? I know the 24v guys like to stack boxes but I'm kinda confused about why
The edge juice is no different than a drag comp.

I'd probably vote more toward the 63 than anything else if he doesn't tow.
My brother got a 01 with 90hp injectors and edge attitude. He's not a big fan of the smoke that come out of it. What was be a good turbo to. Run. We are fed up with industrial and bd. So this turbo will b a bg we were thinking a 63/68/14 or a fmw 62/71/14. He doesn't tow heavy with it.

What's the difference from the attitude with juice vs the drag comp box? Or should he just throw it away and get a smarty if so what one? I know the 24v guys like to stack boxes but I'm kinda confused about why

I wouldn't use the 71 turbine; too big.(That's what she said)
I disagree with these statements.

This goes to show that people prefer different things.


Turbine choice is just as, if not more, important than compressor choice. In the end it is what you want to do with the truck, fueling, and how you drive.
One more question my brothers fuel press is dropping g under hard accl. He has to shift at 1500-1700 other wise its down at 5psi. It use to have a air dog on it, its been removed and now its got a 7.3 sd electric pump.

Is that pump good enough to support the 90hp sticks and edge? Or should he look into a raptor, Holly blue, ppe?

Next, I have seen ad's that are ran straight from the pump to the VP. This one still utilizes the factory fuel bowl can I delete this or no? And what's the benefit of running 1/2 or 5/8 line ? We are going to redo his fuel system
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Not trying to be a jack wagon here... Search.
These trucks love fuel flow. None of what you listed is a good option but the raptor. I've fed a bigger setup with a fuel bowl still intact. However, if you wish, you can delete it.
You will need bigger injectors than 90s for either turbo you listed.
comp smarty is ok..will smoke less than either separately
63/68 is a great turbo. I love mine. had a silver bullet..fook that no spooling pig
don't bother with the 71. if you hook a dead dog on the back itll spool so slow youll have to power brake it at a light
I got 7x010 vco..it smokes but if yer really being a baby it wont. I tow heavy. gross 26-27k cpl times a month. fl is flat but its heavy...the 63/68 gets it done.
youll be asking about connector tubes and chugging next
He had a 62/71/12 on his 12v that thing spooled nice but it was too small for the amount of fuel he put through it.

Mayakka isn't far from where I am
I had a 62/65/14 on my one ton and hated it. Not enough turbine on the top side... And would surge like a mother anything under 2000 if you started to put a load on it of any kind.
It spooled decent but that surge would drive me nuts.