Turbos and P24v Lines


Sweet Home
Apr 24, 2007
S482 SXE 87/ .90 (Maybe 5 passes on this turbo. Will be Checked/refreshed upon purchase. $1500

S510 91/110/ 1.15 Great Shape, Can be Checked as well. $1500

Haisley P24v Stainless Steel .093 Lines, No Clamps $600 Shipped
Yes it wad built off a 76mm supercore.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Bump.... S510 Reduced to $1400 Shipped.
Lines $550 Shipped
Do you have any pics of s591? If I could sell my s488 I would like to buy yours.
Looking for a big turbo, not unlike these ones. Can you pm me more details if you have them? Flow or "hp" ratings for the 510, as well as if you think it needs a checking out or not.
S510 $1350 Shipped
S482 $1400 Shipped

Haisley Lines $500 Shipped