Twins and Injectors...


New member
May 9, 2008
I am looking for a new set of injectors for my twins and was curious as to what is recommended. I am currently running DDP 250's and feel that for a twins setup i might be overfueled....... just wonderin what your guys opinions are, and what you're using.


Ben B
I don't believe they will be to much. I'm gonna be running ddp 200 with my hx35\ht3b. Unless you wanna trade.
how would you be overfueled compared to running a single? I would give weston (smokem) a call and talk with him!

If i buy another set of injectors new or used from anyone I will have them pop-tested before installing them after what i have found out recently!
I ran a 62/475 set on 250 sticks and had no issue with them. I towed 8K and DD/raced never had a problem.
16-18mpgs mixed. 19 if all highway like granny, but that was rare.