TX sled pulling

NADM Marketing

May 15, 2008
Sammy from Crandall called this week and they liked our event and crowd so much they are going to build a sled pulling track for us come spring!

See what showing up to support the sport do for these tracks, great going TX diesel heads!

Look for more events there next year!:rockwoot::rockwoot::rockwoot:
Thats great! Maybe next year it won't rain the whole week before the event.
:clap: .................... :snoop: ................ :woohoo:

This is just great! .............. :rockwoot:
i agree. This past one in october was not worth a crap due to the inches and inches of rain the days before. The weather man and even the internet predicted clear sunny skies for the day before and the day of the event with a temperature of around 70*. And we all know that didnt happen.

Glad to hear of the good news.

Tell them to make sure they build it where the power lines are NOT buried!