Valve Adjustment

Red Sleeper

Active member
Aug 11, 2009
I know how to adjust the valves, just unsure how to get the motor to turn on my 91 5 spd so I can get TDC. I tried turning it by the alt but the belt slipped.. Cant get to the crank without pulling the fan and shroud, which is prob the next easiest step. Tired turning it by the rear wheels but we were not strong enough to turn the tires forward at the same time. I don't have the 67 dollar tool to turn the motor by the flywheel either... Any other suggestions?

The belt is in decent shape and super tight for some reason. Maybe try a new one first?

Nick if it's an auto, take the dust cover off and use a pry bar to turn the flex plate directly
Crawl underneath the truck with a small pipe wrench, place pipen wrench on harmonic balancer and rotate engine.
if you have something to write down which ones you have adjusted, you can just bump the key until you have slack on the valve you are wanting to do and then set the lash

its annoying to do by yourself but if you have no easier way to do it, its not bad
I put a 3/8" socket bar in the serpentine idler/tensioner, and lean on it a little while pulling the alternator pulley bolt (backward engine rotation).

I also scratched a reference mark in the damper where it just intersects the very edge of the serpentine belt. That way I don't have to mess with the timing-pin. Get it there once, adjust half the valves, roll it over 360* and set the other half.
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its not necessary to put each cylinder at TDC to set lash, as long as the rocker/valve does not have tension you can safely adjust it
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its not necessary to put each cylinder at TDC to set lash, as long as the rocker/valve does not have tension you can safely adjust it

X2, i did mine when i was swapping injectors, so the motor turned over easy, i set mine at .008 intake and .018 exhaust and it quited the engine up ALOT.
.018"? Isnt that pushing the limits? I know I have heard .015" and that what mine are going to but .018" seems awful close.
factory recomended is .010 intake .020 exhaust, if you dont know math and cant figure out how to turn over the engine by hand, maybe you should be driving a honda?
.018"? Isnt that pushing the limits? I know I have heard .015" and that what mine are going to but .018" seems awful close.

This right here is the stupidity that will spew out of your mouth after a long night when your at work trying not to do your job... Dear god! I have no clue what I was typing.