valve job machine shop problems


Sweet Home
Apr 24, 2007
the machine shop decking my head is going to do a valve job but is having trouble cutting the seats, so they are gonna install guides! well the tooling for the guides isn't readily available!

the stem is 7mm and the guides a 7/16, he has one that is 1/2" but he was told the area would be too thin if they cut this big!

anyone ran into this problem or have the solution?
I'm pretty sure there is a repair/replacement guide available. Best I can do is find out in the morning though.
Are they replacing the guides because they cut the seats wrong or what?
no the head has alot of slop so they couln't set their fixture up correctly to cut the seats!
Alright Brad. I'll talk to the machinist in the morning. I remember something about having to drill the heads to accept the replacement guides because the original has no real guide.
right! he said he doesn't have the tooling to do so, and also there isn't any readlily available! so i was wondering what everyone else was doing! I hate Alabama, we are always so behind
I could be wrong, but I thought Goodson had everything for the 7mm 24v heads.
Does the machine shop you are using have the tooling to replace the guides?