Valve Seat Idea: Possible? Functional?

You would get a whopping .02" at best, if you ponied up for a bigger laser you would have been smart enough to use plasma instead...

Laser is used for welding thin materials, you need a hefty machine to do full penetration tube welding with laser, which is why most of it is done with plasma.

Seen the carriers in a 604/606 transmission? Those are all laser welded. More than 0.02" penetration.
Seen the carriers in a 604/606 transmission? Those are all laser welded. More than 0.02" penetration.

No I haven't, do you have a picture? I have my doubts they are laser welded, but am willing to be proven wrong.
Instead of peening or boring out and replacing with cryo interference fit seats, has anyone ever tried laser welding either the factory seats or replacements?

I'm not sure of material compatibility,(I know bronze replacements are out of the question) but the minimal heat and pinpoint accuracy assure warpage or annealing surrounding material would likely not be an issue. It could penetrate as nearly as deep as peening.

Anyway, I just had some experience recently with a laser welded part, kinda got me thinking... maybe its crazy, but if it did work it would save a crap ton of machine work given the alternatives.

Would it work?

sounds like a good idea but how do you plan on training the sharks?