Vgt controller timing?


New member
Jan 20, 2011
I am installing a a vgt turbo on my 03 Dodge, and i have replaced the electric motor. Does anyone know if it has to be timed to the turbo when the housing is put back on? I have ordered a fleece controller to use with it.

Any idea how I can do it. When the controller arrives can I hook it up to the vgt motor and just turn the controller knob back and forth to find the limits and match it to the gear teeth to the gear crank on the turbo? Or take it to Dodge dealer and ask them to put it on?
Might be able to find a cummins shop with insite to calibrate it. I know they can do it with the bigger turbos, not for sure about the 351's.
Might be able to find a cummins shop with insite to calibrate it. I know they can do it with the bigger turbos, not for sure about the 351's.

Probly your best bet... If not you can send it to us and we can do it.

Thanks for the input guys. I found a service sheet for the vgt type 2b electric actuator on the holset website. The sheet refers to the use of a holset service tool to orientate the drive gear properly before installation. I will try to locate one locally.