VW skid plate


Active member
Jul 10, 2012
I know a few of you guys on here have VW's as well and thought I would share this with y'all!

My wife keeps rubbing parking stops with her bug and I've already had to replace the plastic under car thing once now... So i went looking for a replacement, and found these guys. They make them for most VW and audi models.



1/4" aluminum plate! neighbor said it was more stout than the ones on his jeep.

This thing is no joke! I hope the install isn't to bad, i printed the 20 pages of directions. I'll post some pics once i get it in tomorrow.
Oooo I like that, the plastic one on my beetle has def seen better days!
They work great, I had one on my wifes TDI beetle she had. I need to get one for my Jetta when I get the extra cash. Just watch high spots in the road, it will drag.
I have a Panzer Plate on my '00.

Seems like a definite good product. I bottom out all the time and it looks pretty good yet. Not too heavy, easy to pull off and reinstall.

I'd highly recommend it.
I'm getting one in a few weeks. Planning on the fender pieces too.
Now does that one have the oil drain plug spot then a cover for it?

Just checked out your link. I will be ordering one with the FMJ kit in a few weeks. I just ordered my IP seal kit from them with the updated rings. Then a few sockets.

My car is out of commission right now due to the leak. It's getting a new oil pan too so perfect time to do it all. Prior owner stripped the drain plug.
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I have an aluminum plate from JS Perfomance on my Jetta. It has some pretty big scratches in it....
I want to get a Panzer plate for my Passat. Can't trust the plastic belly pan. Though it hasn't made contact with anything. I don't wanna cross my fingers if it ever does.
Where do you guys drive? I have had my 01 TDI Golf for 3yrs with out a skid plate and never had in issue and I take that thing everywhere. (knock on wood about not having an issue)
I live in the country. Roads have road kill, man hole covers, etc. when they stripped a few roads around here the man holes were a solid 5in above the pavement. That would if caught my oil pan. My plastic one is torn and the side shields are also torn. That's just from big road kill. Car has a new suspension setup under it so certain hills and bumps aren't an issue anymore. It's a cheap insurance policy for me.
I have thought about getting one of these for my car, but have yet to pull the trigger. Maybe one of these days, the car just hit 175k today, still plenty of life left in her for this upgrade.
How about a roof skid plate that attached exactly where my wife throws her purse with the metal "feet" and dangling metal "charms" every time she buckles the kids in.

I'm getting tired of her asking me where the scratches come from.
I have the Diesel Geek aluminum skid plate on my '06 Jetta TDI!!! I have heard that the oil pan on the TDIs (which is only "protected" by the plastic tray) is VERY thin cast aluminum and breaks/cracks very easily so I installed it to protect the engine!

It makes oil changes a little more difficult but well worth it to protect the engine!!! When the tire destroyed the front of my Jetta on the way to the Riffraff event a few months ago, it would have probably damaged the oil pan too if the plate wasn't there to do its job!!! Same goes for when I hit the raccoon last year!!!
I will be cutting apart my old oil pan here in a few weeks when I pull it off. From what I heard they are extremely thin. It's a common issue among VW's. go over Craigslist and see how many vehicles are for sale due to broken oil pans. I found 6 or 7 locally.
Do you know if the skid plate is the same for an '07 w/ the 2.5l? i just bought one n the skid plate is gone...
I hate my wifes Beetle. We are actually trying to get rid of it.
I have the FMJ panzer plate on my Golf. Hit quite a few chunks of ice over the weekend that has fallen off vehicles, rather have it taking the hit than a piece of plastic or a cast aluminum oil pan.
I just ordered a Panzer plate from DieselGeek. Preparing for my TDIs first oil change soon. Sitting at 8200 right now.

Hunted and pecked from a Galaxy S4A.