Wade Moody's S-10 sets new NADM World Record

Getting to work on time:evil, Every person who holds a legitimate record has very likely had better times at test and tunes, If you have a racer with an official following him around to test and tunes, seeking the perfect track conditions, tail winds, oxygen levels,etc it is far from a level playing field for all competitors, it would be like you turning up at a pull 3 hours early with a dry track, and then the rest having to pull after three hours of monsoon rains, i guess your pull would be the record, you don't need to race to know this sleddy, but all the newer racers coming along should be aware to have a nadm official at every test and tune

I think you're making an outlandish comparison, aren't you?

How about someone put down the track conditions this was done at so we can all be convinced it wasn't a 10% downhill grade with a 50 mph tailwind and launched with rocket boosters on the back and a 1/4 mile rubber band stretched taut on the front and a 55 gallon drum of rev-gain on the track...

Jeez people....the hate runs deep....
FYI, if anyone wants to set a record, just send me $2000, and 4 round trip plane tickets. The first one to do this will be insured of getting a zstroken record. Act fast! LOL We can even try for some distance and fast times on the sled!

Will this be officially unofficial.
FYI, if anyone wants to set a record, just send me $2000, and 4 round trip plane tickets. The first one to do this will be insured of getting a zstroken record. Act fast! LOL We can even try for some distance and fast times on the sled!
#win #postoftheday
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Will this be officially unofficial.

$4000 makes it official official. For another $10000($14,000 total) I will disband the zstroken record setting events forever. So your record will never be able to be beat! This is a limited time offer, and if you act within the next 30 minutes, I will buy you your choice of value meal(can even supersize at no additional cost to you).
I think you're making an outlandish comparison, aren't you?

How about someone put down the track conditions this was done at so we can all be convinced it wasn't a 10% downhill grade with a 50 mph tailwind and launched with rocket boosters on the back and a 1/4 mile rubber band stretched taut on the front and a 55 gallon drum of rev-gain on the track...

Jeez people....the hate runs deep....

nothing to do with hate, your making an assumption there, they are legitimate concerns that nadm's approach gives an individual an unfair advantage by in effect holding a race that no one else is invited to in conditions no one else can share. head to head racing has it's own stressors, nerves, and anxiety as well that would likely not be there for an individual going down a track, by himself with empty bleachers at his conveynance, this approach will make legitimate race records meaningless, and weaken racing not strenghthen it. my original question for nadm was, how many test and tunes have nadm officials attended for wade?
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The statement above is a truthful one, is it not?

If we took Wade's name out and put your name in there if you made a record under the same circumstances, would it not also be truthful?

And if a bunch of guys came in and pissed all over that truthful statement, would it not seem like a bunch of jealous douchebaggery?

Just sayin'.

Did I say anything about the record? Nope.

Now, if you're talking about Wade being a one man show, sure, I guess it is so. But to single him out like he's the only one out there??

Now, as to the rest of your points, I can't prove that I wouldn't call NADM to set up my own private record attempt since my truck isn't running obviously, but I wouldn't. I really could care less about said record, or who holds it. And trust me, I'm not jealous of Wade.

Does his truck move out, sure. It should. To build a truck like that, only to have it run slow would be a bit ridiculous, wouldn't it. I sure hope my truck doesn't run 11.0's all day long, when I built it for 9's or better. Will it take me the same number of passes to reach my goals as Wade? Sure, maybe more. Am I trying to take away from him, No. Show me where I am?

The only thing I'm asking about, is why NADM is patting him on the back so hard, and IMHO, overlooking a lot of other top notch "programs" in this sport?

If that's not the way it's coming across, or you think I'm just another Wade basher, then fine. That's your opinion. Have I hated on Wade in the past, sure have, won't deny it, but not at the times he's actually done something commendable;) Having met the guy once, I got the vibe that he was not someone I need to know much better than that, so I keep my distance.

The only thing I'm asking about, is why NADM is patting him on the back so hard, and IMHO, overlooking a lot of other top notch "programs" in this sport?


Is there a fleet of 7 second Diesel trucks that I'm missing?

You racers are eating your own. Pat each other on the back for once, no matter how bad you hate each other...sheesh.
GOOD JOB WADE!!!!! OH MAN YOU ARE THE GREATEST!!!!!! Can i be a part of your race team next year since you are the fastest duramax truck ever? Wade is the man! I can't wait to see your truck run at a TEST AND TUNE nearest to me!!!!! Its so fun to watch a solo single pass made by you Wade.....Man you are awesome
Is there a fleet of 7 second Diesel trucks that I'm missing?

You racers are eating your own. Pat each other on the back for once, no matter how bad you hate each other...sheesh.

sleddy, everyone has said it's a great fast time, test and tunes should never be the results for actual records, it makes the logic of racers attending actual sanctioned events illogical if they can set the time and conditions for running and setting records at T&T's, if the racers aren't at the races, the fans aren't at the races, the media isn't at races, sponsors aren't interested, actual racing declines, no one is eating their own here, the ridicule is directed mainly at nadm's very bent rule re test and tune,
record runs

I really don't know what to say. This is what makes LOOK SO BAD! Record runs at a test and tune is bull****! For the NADM to call that record is pretty unreal. That truck is fast and i'm sure it will set a record but to call it that now is crazy. YOU CAN'T COMPARE a record run in differnt track conditions when others are not at the same track with like conditions. I'm heading to GA in a week to set a record who's flying down? Jeff
YOU CAN'T COMPARE a record run in differnt track conditions when others are not at the same track with like conditions. f

Uh...what others? The last record was set 4 years ago in California, one truck.
Do you think the conditions were different then from now on the east coast Jeff? LMAO!!
I'm game, lets get TWO trucks together and try this thing, Wade has the number to beat.
NADM record!!

Build one and come run it, Richard, you have as much in your show truck anyway.
Don't I know it Gene....and it's about to get blown completely apart....frame off rebuild.
Here goes another chunk of retirement. LOL
Here is my Opinion FWIW.....

If NADM wants to call it a record, so freaking be it. It is their playground and their rules. I don't really see what the fuss is about honestly. If somebody else wants to go claim it, go rent a track and call Chuck, or do it at an event....

NADM record!!

Build one and come run it, Richard, you have as much in your show truck anyway.

10-4 on both accounts

Congrats Wade
. :Cheer: I know you don't drink but cheers anyway.

And... Mr.Cooper. You made me laugh today. Thanks
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10-4 on both accounts

Congrats Wade
. :Cheer: I know you don't drink but cheers anyway.

And... Mr.Cooper. You made me laugh today. Thanks

Snedge you know you want in on some of this record action too! LOL
I don't have a dog in the Wade bashing hunt nor do I have any ill will towards the NADM. That being said though the whole process of this just does not sit well. I can not recall any other race organization setting up private record setting attempts. I recently saw Rob loose out on a a new record due to the event ending prior to him having a chance to back up the pass. I can not recollect any record being set in the NHRA at a test and tune track rental.

I think it is flat out a smoking set of runs out of Wade and I am sure well deserved satisfaction for his team and sponsors to accomplish what they have. I just think it looks really shady to call it a world record under those conditions.

I keep seeing people make statements about him lining up against other competitors has he not attended any events this year and ran? If he has not it would be a crying shame for our sport as it would surely be in our best interest to have the exposure.
Uh...what others? The last record was set 4 years ago in California, one truck.
Do you think the conditions were different then from now on the east coast Jeff? LMAO!!
I'm game, lets get TWO trucks together and try this thing, Wade has the number to beat.

Does this nadm test and tune rule only apply to Bank's record, if so have you asked Banks for all their test and tune time slips? Sleddy you seem to be afraid to say how many times Nadm officials have been to Wade's test and tunes LOL
I don't have a dog in the Wade bashing hunt nor do I have any ill will towards the NADM. That being said though the whole process of this just does not sit well. I can not recall any other race organization setting up private record setting attempts. I recently saw Rob loose out on a a new record due to the event ending prior to him having a chance to back up the pass. I can not recollect any record being set in the NHRA at a test and tune track rental.

I think it is flat out a smoking set of runs out of Wade and I am sure well deserved satisfaction for his team and sponsors to accomplish what they have. I just think it looks really shady to call it a world record under those conditions.

I keep seeing people make statements about him lining up against other competitors has he not attended any events this year and ran? If he has not it would be a crying shame for our sport as it would surely be in our best interest to have the exposure.

I agree, awesome accomplishment. But setting a NADM record at a non NADM event is pretty rediculous, i dont care who was there to watch.
Sorry to much of a smart ass to pass this one up.

Freudian slip? (SP?)

"Moody has taken the same approach as Gale by running a clean diesel - smokeless using #2 diesel fuel with very little NOS and on a single injection pump. Obviously Moody has figured out how to tune the components to work together to produce an extreme amount of horsepower and torque to put them down on the payment."

Don't read anything else into it other than me thinking I'm funny...