Warranty Void Thanks to Smarty

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If you base your judgement of SMARTY on what you read in forums than you will never buy one. THAT IS BECAUSE HAPPY CUSTOMERS NEVER COMPLAIN.

I can tell you, there is not One (1) electronic tuning / mod manufacturer in the US that has a clean product launch not to mention zero failure issues.

SMARTY just so happens to Distribute in the US through a Channel that happens to respond to people in public. That representation is a blessing and a curse, you.. We... I ... have a chance to air out our issues with someone close to the factory in a public forum, that is a blessing for us and could be speeding the development time up for the product. At the same time it is making issues publicly known, which is not good for SMARTY but at the same time reality.

EVERY box or tuner out there sucks when it does not work.... So what's the big deal?

Can you guys tell I am just trying to get my post count up ?

My Edge stuff has been a pain in my arse and still don't work right when the outside temp is below 70F but I still have one. The only product that is bullet proof is the one that has been on the market for 10 years and tested in a few hundred trucks for thousands of miles. You can't blame MADS for having issues when folks push them everyday for new modules for new trucks and don't give them time to fix all the bugs. I completely disagree with their advetising but also commend their sales staff for answering questions and trying to resolove issues as quick as possible....unlike Edge who hasn't fixed my problem yet....but they are a thousand miles away and I can't just drive my truck over there and leave it for a day or two. So, buyer beware. And the guy who lost his pants should be casterated. What a dumb ***.
So it's pretty much, take your chances with a Smarty and have a "smart" technician put a few things together (finding a tech to care enough to do that is tough enough, I don't care where you worked for cummins). Or one of the other programmers that just downloads and leaves traces all over the ECM... pick your poison I suppose.

And you guys that buy 40-50k dollar trucks have too much money anyways, quit your whining :kick:
fordtk12 said:
This is true but you know that not everyone will think that way therefor Smarty should just not say it to save the headache.

And I don't think you would win in court and here is why have you heard of some of the cases going on in this day and age. If you say it then you better be telling the truth of someone will take you to court and they will win.

Did anyone here about the drycleaning issue that was in court. How did that one work out.

Ummmm the guy that filed the suit lost???
Dont see your point there. I see nowhere in the above statement about Smarty being detected in the ECM that says Smarty will not void a wrranty. If you want to know what constitutes voiding a warranty, you should read it. My guess is once you read the warranty, that part about engine modifications (especially those that enhance performance) would lead to hte inescapable conclusion that aftermarket performance products will void your warranty if you are caught.
Mr Hat Says:

If you do not have a Smarty and have never used one, do not be a bandwagon basher. Read the thread and move on.

If you have used a Smarty and are happy, post about it.

If you have a Smarty and are having trouble with it, please voice your concerns professionally and it appears that Bob will handle your problem to the best of his ability. That does not mean whine about it on the internet. Voicing your concerns here before even calling the manufacturer and giving them a chance to make it right is a bit short sighted. Other manufacturers read these forums and my not be as willing to help you down the road if they think you're only going to give them PR grief in return.

Um, kay?
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Well said amish.

By the way, if any of you second gen smarty owners can't stand your smarty any more, PM me and I will be happy to take it off your hands.

I still run a Catcher in my truck.. Smarty before the Smarty.. I wouldn't junk it for anything, but I sure would upgrade.
Amish Elegance said:
If you have a Smarty and are having trouble with it, please voice your concerns professionally and it appears that Bob will handle your problem to the best of his ability.

I've owned a Smarty twice and have tested one with different softwares numerous times. I tested the first Smarty software on US soil. It was horrible. EGT problems, driving problems, it was nasty.

After a round of updates, I purchased a Smarty since its supposed to be the biggest and baddest. I had all kinds of problems. Throttle sticking, shifting issues, spooling issues, etc. All I ever got out of Bob or Marco was "updte your smarty" or "wait for another software upgrade." I updated it once and all problems still existed. I was told again to wait for updates. I eventually gave up. My bullydog worked fine so I put it back on and sold the Smarty.

After the different torque management levels were released, I purchased another Smarty to try out all combos. Again had spooling issues, shifting issues, and power issues. Same as before pretty much. Bob kept throwing different softwares at me and nothing fixed it. He did send me a version that helped EGTs some. After waiting for 2 weeks to be returned emails and phone calls, I emailed Bob again. He emailed me back the same day and said my trucks problems are not Smarty related. Ironically 3 weeks later I dynoed 579 with a Bullydog/TST combo on a 62/14....yea, my truck sure was messed up :eek:wned:

I have been a Smarty customer. I have tried their stuff. I know all about this "great customer service." I see the following the Smarty has, but half of the people have never owned a Smarty OR own a Smarty and never owned anything else.

it was funny to me....after the beta programs were released, guys were commenting on how much smoother things were. Oh wait, you mean to tell me it wasn't smooth the first time? Wow the public never heard that story.

The Smarty is a marketing conspiracy. I can't post this on other sites. I've been banned from a site in the past and have had posts deleted TODAY on another site when I gave my opinion about the Smarty.

I literally wrote a research paper for my english class here at Texas A&M about the marketing conspiracy wrapped around the Smarty. It was entitled "Is the Smarty SMART?"
I literally wrote a research paper for my english class here at Texas A&M about the marketing conspiracy wrapped around the Smarty. It was entitled "Is the Smarty SMART?"
What did you use for references? Please tell me not internet boards. Thanks for your story and not outright vendor bashing BTW.
Timbeaux38 said:
What did you use for references? Please tell me not internet boards. Thanks for your story and not outright vendor bashing BTW.

used a few quotes. I got most supporting info from marketing journals and crazy crap like that. Hey atleast I found a paper i enjoyed to write! give me some credit for that! LOL
Bob Wagner said:
Phil, That is hilarious . I hope you received an A LOL

Thats all you have to say about my whole Smarty experience?

Yep, great customer service. :blahblah1:

Ya know, I've had guys call me and apologize for not believing me about my Smarty troubles. I still don't know how a couple of them even got my number! :Cheer:
973604x4 said:
used a few quotes. I got most supporting info from marketing journals and crazy crap like that. Hey atleast I found a paper i enjoyed to write! give me some credit for that! LOL
I give you mad props for writing a paper about diesel stuff. I once wrote a paper about beer for an Econ class.
Phil, What can I offer you ? You ***** about every product you buy?

You are a legend :clap:
Amish Elegance said:
Mr Hat Says:

If you do not have a Smarty and have never used one, do not be a bandwagon basher. Read the thread and move on.

If you have used a Smarty and are happy, post about it.

If you have a Smarty and are having trouble with it, please voice your concerns professionally and it appears that Bob will handle your problem to the best of his ability. That does not mean whine about it on the internet. Voicing your concerns here before even calling the manufacturer and giving them a chance to make it right is a bit short sighted. Other manufacturers read these forums and my not be as willing to help you down the road if they think you're only going to give them PR grief in return.

Um, kay?
I have a smarty and I haven't heard anything about my warranty. But I'm not going to ask.:bang
My Dad's truck isn't for making huge hp. It's for pulling his 40' trailer. So first I threw on a BD X power and towed the 40 footer up from Arizona.. absolutely no power and nothing but heat problems. I dumped that and got an Edge juice w/ attitude but never even installed it because I didn't want to have to tell my Dad that when the truck shuts off on it's own, to unplug the Edge box and send it back. Then we threw on the Smarty and he absolutely loves it. Lower EGT's, power for what he does is great. Of course this is a manual 05 trucks.

I'm kind of reluctant to try anything bullydog sells, because it seems like the only way they can ever make power out of their own trucks is with as many drugs as possible..
What about PPE????? Never had one returned and never had any complaints except for broken flywheels,excessive tire wear, excessive boost pressures, high HP numbers, etc.... you know the stuff we can all live with.!? Geez!! I've seen the Diablo Predator make more power on the same truck as a SMARTY. If you buy the product live with your decision or find someone dumber than yourself to buy it from you..:hehe: LOL :evil
This is a diesel forum People come here to talk about things they have done, ask questons about problems they are having and what not...so why is it that when someone has a problem with a product that some people like do the people that like it have to bash the people who have a problem with it. When you see 5 threads in a 2 week time saying they are having a problem with something ahh.... bing go maybe there is something wrong with it maybe not but come on guys dont start bashin the ones that don't like it just becuase you do. If you like it and you can say that you like it they WHY CAN THE ONES THAT DON'T LIKE IT SAY THEY DON'T LIKE IT?

I will never buy one becuase I have heard more problems about them then I have good. Second becuase I like to switch on the fly.

My thing with the dry cleaner is that it took so long for a simple case to be over that should have been thrown out right away.
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