well it only lasted three days haha

ChaseN said:
i'm not sure if you meet that negatively, but i took it as very harsh.
i work a minimum of 80 hours a damn week, i bust my asss doing it, i am 18, so what? i have worked this way with NO damn friends for the past two years. i haven't had time for anything including friends, girlfriends, or anything. all i do is work & toy with my trucks.

my office? yeah MY office. i own a damn oil field construction company, SO WHAT? it sure as hell wasn't handed to me i had to buy in. i pay all my bills my damn self just like many of you "adults" do.

screw this, i'm tired of being hammered because of my damn age. i'm done with this.

Let me tell you this, just because someone else was stupid when they were 18 doesnt mean everyone is. I became the 2nd shift shop foreman at 20 and I was telling 40-50 year old guys what to do. I can feel your pain.

Make your money, buy a house and get the head start everyone wishes they did. Anyone stands in your way, just squish em' $.02
ChaseN said:
i'm not sure if you meet that negatively, but i took it as very harsh.
i work a minimum of 80 hours a damn week, i bust my asss doing it, i am 18, so what? i have worked this way with NO damn friends for the past two years. i haven't had time for anything including friends, girlfriends, or anything. all i do is work & toy with my trucks.

my office? yeah MY office. i own a damn oil field construction company, SO WHAT? it sure as hell wasn't handed to me i had to buy in. i pay all my bills my damn self just like many of you "adults" do.

screw this, i'm tired of being hammered because of my damn age. i'm done with this.
He wasnt hammering you he was just saying MOST guys your age cant afford a brand new mega cab or brand new anything for that matter...take it as a compliment, my friend and co-worker is about to buy our power tong company and he's only 19, age means nothing. What do mean by oil field construction, you cut and clear locations for the rigs?
SledPuller21 said:
He wasnt hammering you he was just saying MOST guys your age cant afford a brand new mega cab or brand new anything for that matter...take it as a compliment, my friend and co-worker is about to buy our power tong company and he's only 19, age means nothing. What do mean by oil field construction, you cut and clear locations for the rigs?
EXACTLY what he said. and I also Was asking why bye another dodge especially a 6.7 if you have had so many problems with your other dodge.
To me the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I don't care about your age and I'm young as well. You'd think some one with all of your responceabilities you Would make wiser business decisions, and also not jump to conclusions bout someone or make assumptions. If you feel as though I have disrespected you then fine but that was not my objective of my post. I will make a suggestion and take it for what it's worth If your "tired of this":badidea: Get used to it because you because older people will always tell us been there done that and You will not get as much respect as someone who is older in the same position.

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I teach Diesel technology at a high school i was 21 when i started and now im 22. my students are 16-19 years old. I also was a shop foreman at 20. So ChaseN There Ante Nobody gona tell me age has any thing to do with responsibilty Or makin alot of $$. Dont let peoples jealousy bother you!!
screw oldpeople that never made anything out of their life.

i am 22 and i have a $43,000 truck and its 6 months old and i also looking to but a mega cab dually or a regular cab 5500 just to play with and i need a tax write off fot the 08 year.

so i say F##k them all make your self happy
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my company does everything from clearing right-o-ways, to laying every size pipeline imaginable, to even doing the rigs.

i am the youngest in the whole company, the next age up is 24. i manage people all the way to the age of 61.

the day you posted that, was a damn terrible day.
i'm just gonna leave it at this, and ask the mod following to lock this thread.
What state I work for patterson uti in wyoming been drilling for 2 years I am only 22 years old so I know what you meen. Older people are not used to us youngens having the money we do. I tried to test drive a jeep at a place 2 years ago and they wouldnt let me because I was to young so as I walked away I showed them the 10k cash I had to put down, then they wanted to talk so I pretty much said up yours, but you have to remember there is still alot of kids that there parents buy them everything, and I am glad to say I have worked hard for everything I have, and not had any help at all. I have brand new truck, jeep, house, and more toys. I just started my own diesel performance business and most people dont know how young I am.
kmkdiesel said:
What state I work for patterson uti in wyoming been drilling for 2 years I am only 22 years old so I know what you meen. Older people are not used to us youngens having the money we do. I tried to test drive a jeep at a place 2 years ago and they wouldnt let me because I was to young so as I walked away I showed them the 10k cash I had to put down, then they wanted to talk so I pretty much said up yours, but you have to remember there is still alot of kids that there parents buy them everything, and I am glad to say I have worked hard for everything I have, and not had any help at all. I have brand new truck, jeep, house, and more toys. I just started my own diesel performance business and most people dont know how young I am.

All i'm going to say is, Don't gloat/brag too much. Reason being is there are people out there that have worked just as hard and don't have a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out. All it takes is 1 bad move to take EVERYTHING away. I've earned what i've gotten, most kids our age would say it aint ****, i'd say fukoff. Most elders would say it isn't ****, i'd agree, but i've worked for it and i'm proud of what i have or don't have!!!

Keep your head up no matter what, and keep on doin what gotcha there!!!

kmkdiesel said:
What state I work for patterson uti in wyoming been drilling for 2 years I am only 22 years old so I know what you meen. Older people are not used to us youngens having the money we do. I tried to test drive a jeep at a place 2 years ago and they wouldnt let me because I was to young so as I walked away I showed them the 10k cash I had to put down, then they wanted to talk so I pretty much said up yours, but you have to remember there is still alot of kids that there parents buy them everything, and I am glad to say I have worked hard for everything I have, and not had any help at all. I have brand new truck, jeep, house, and more toys. I just started my own diesel performance business and most people dont know how young I am.

ChaseN....I was going to post something, but saw your avatar....Truck nutz?
Just lost all respect. You really are just a ''kid''.

Just j/ken
Man I hear all these people talkin about the oil fields. Your not the first younger person working in/at them and making big bucks...sure beats what im doin at 18.
im 22 i own 2 12v's and an 03 cr, and my cr is a 4dr long bed dually. ppl ask me all the time if i have kids. i say no why they always say thats a family truck im like wtf just cuz its got 4 drs dont make it a family truck