What about a shout box here?


Never enough
Jul 14, 2008
Its like a live chat box in the home forum usually(for the ones that don't know).

Just a thought.
Could keep some from making simple threads that take up space.
Bandwidth killing add on of epic proportions.
Do you want a fast site without one or a slow site with one?
The Shout box is also a known trouble maker.

It's the Wade of the VB world...LOL
I'm on tons of forums with them. No lag issues (I imagine dial up services might have some trouble), and no dumb fights. But being CompD, I'm sure there'll be arguments when someone asks a question, and gets told to search in real time.
Shout box!!!! LOL The source of many a fights on GoGo. Most forums have too many bullchit censorship rules for it to work.
See, some of the "slow" mods here do not even know what one is. LOL
It's like a thread with no subject nor ending.

Pretty much like Ford diesel girl's intro thread. LOL