What are you guys using for seats???


PDP.com FireFighter
Aug 3, 2006
Well, Im striping out the interior of my new project.........Noticed the seat are broken. The seats themselfs are fine, its just all the stuff the adjusts the lean back is all types of messed up.

Being that Im stripping the interior, all the carpet, most of the dash, basically everything but the steering collum and top of the dash is staying. Im looking at a budget seat to throw back in. i dont need anything fancy, its just a puller!!!

Im wanting to just do a driver/passenger seat set up. Most of the ones i looked at are WAY too fancy....like the rockcrawler style seats. I just need something that is going to fit my big butt and be somewhat comfortable!!!!

Also, how are some of you mounting them? I can probably reuse the slider off the stock seat and hopefully use that to mount the seat.....that would be a lot easier than fabing up a custom mount!!!
you can always check the junkyard for some nice comfy seats out of a luxury SUV or nicer truck. unless you are specifically looking for aftermarket race style seats...but they will never be comfortable for big guys.
The following are examples of what NOT to use as a seat...




With that being said, I tried a set of these:

and I diddnt like them...

I would say do what Get Blown said, and get some out of a Junk yard.
I can try a junk yard....heck with all the dumb kids in ricers, there should be a huge lot of racing seats out of Neons!!!!!

Im not looking for anything fancy, just something to set my butt in. Most of all, I cant go full Kirky Drag Racing style seat.....some tech's might not like that too much!!! But I would like to have an adjustable seat. i got a bad back so I cant sit straight up in a seat!!!

And have you guys looked at prices for seats??? Heck most Mastercraft and Sparco seats are in the $500 range!!!!!
Yeah, thats why i went with the el cheapo's but you get what you pay for. My buddy has recaro racing seats that he dropped a little over $750 each for, and they are very comfortable.
junkyard... they usually don't get much for seats. I picked up a couple for a jeep a few years back. About $40 total. Some 1/4" angle iron for the mounts, reused the sliders off the new seats. turned out pretty good
I bet some leather seats out of a mid 90's caddy would be nice LOL
PRP suspension seats can be found for a pretty decent price. maybe even check like dezert-rangers or race-dezert classifieds for some used ones.

Go to the junkyard and just start sitting in the cars until you find one that fits well and feels good and yank the whole front seat out, sliders and all. It is easy to fab an adapter bracket to make it fit with your factory holes especially if the whole interior is out.