What do you do with your leaks?


New member
Jan 22, 2008
Pretty much my whole front axle, steering components and bottom of engine are caked with probably a 1/4" of oil, grease, etc.. from years of leaking. Is it really worth it to spray everything down with brake clean and let her run and try to find the leaks or just let her keep leakin. It doesnt leak a lot of oil or ps fluid. So what do you guys do?
Mine leaks from the oil pan and front main seal a little. I just get 4-5 cans of degreaser spray the hell out of it and pressure wash it ever so often. I'm too lazy to fix the leaks. However it is a pain in the azz to have to work on anything around that area cause you're getting filthy bottom line.
Ahh! Come on guys, those leaks are easy to fix....front seal or vacuum pump to power steering pump seal....always culprits making a huge mess. I have since then fixed mine and several friends, they're easy fixes but I can relate to the let 'em go factor. :)

Not trying to be a greeny tree hugger here but try using Simple Green with the pressure washer instead of brake cleaner.:poke: You'll be very surprised how well it works......:Cheer:

Make sure your breather tube isnt clogged up and extend it down further. That seemed to help out alot with mine.
I wish I could figure out a way to get my engine to leak oil on the bottoms of my doors, so they would stop rusting.
I'd let the leaks go if you live in a salted road in wintertime climate. I'm chompin at the bit to run my 95' junker drag truck at the track but I know they wont let it near the track with all the leaking oil. Just finished rebuilding "resealing" all of the steering gear leaks. Already did the front case when I went in to tab the KDP.
Those pesky stock transmission cooler lines are my last leak and I can't justify several hundred on new ones when the truck cost 1500 bucks to start with. I've literally spend hours under this truck with a paint scraper removing 240K miles of oil-dirt-grease buildup, probably removed 100 lbs of sludge in the process.
Once you get the leaks fixed go to the dollar store and buy several cans of the cheapest oven cleaner you can find. Keeping it out of your eyes and off of painted, non greasy areas, cover everything you want to clean in your driveway. Carry the truck to a car wash and go to town. Be careful though, it will screw with paint and it burns like hades when it gets on your hands, don't even ask about eyes :bang
Oven cleaner is some nasty stuff, but works better than anything out there. It's harsh enough to etch aluminum. Found that out the hard way.
Only leak mine has after 186k miles and constant steering box/ps pumps/vac pump replacements is the seal on the vac pump and that's only if the truck sits for longer than a day. But my entire front end and under carriage is still soaked in oil no matter how many times I clean it so I said screw it. Truck doesn't lose oil or ps fluid so why bother tracking down a mysterious leak. I chalk it up to the breather tube hazing (lots of 1800*+ runs) and let it be. Cummins engines leak a little. Everyone I know with one has some leak somewhere that they can't find.
All i have is a leakin axle shaft seal. I check the levels here and there. Keeps one side lubed. Kinda like it. Haha.
Yeah if it doesnt involve getting more power out of working on it then most of the time I'm not to interested ha. I guess I got a little laziness in me. I do this kind of stuff everyday at work and get paid for it so I'm not really feeling it on my days off.
i dont know where the f mine is leaking from i replace the vacuum pump seal and she sill leaks like a pig
I was just crawling under mine and It had oil everywhere. My problem is the stupid blow by tube hanging right over the top of the front u-joint, so it spits it everywhere!