What products would you like to see in 2010?

What do you want to see in 2010?

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Hamilton Cams

Jun 28, 2007
Vote for what you would like to see next from Hamilton Cams. You can vote for more than one choice. I will do my best to bring them to market in 2010.

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The crank would be the same, all you would have to do is shave a bit off of the stock pistons to make them work.

Hmm, maybe a 12v aftermarket head, Ive heard a certain company was making some. :poke:
They do as do a few others. I am talking about a quality valve that would be mass produced and affordable not a custom order piece.

I voted for the rockers, stroker kit, and block.

The thing is I see none of this stuff useful until the head is out. Very curious about the big block too.
how bout affordable piping kits for twins? we all know it is just tubing, bent special and welded up, but come on, for the $ ? I know there are hundreds if not more combinations possible, but starting out with the most popular and working towards more custom. Somewhat simple order form, we list the year make model truck/ motor, plug in what turbo's we are using, what size downpipe we need to connect to our exhaust...... I dunno, just an idea.
I voted for the stroker kit. I don't think it will pan out too well though considering the Cummins blocks aren't a factory sleeved block. Also, not sure what you are planning on putting in your kit, but to me it would include a deckplate, sleeves, crank, and longer rods.
I don't know why somebody isn't already doing a lower price quality piping kit. The charger companies are totally missing the boat! At least 10 companies make piping, but I don't think anybody has utilized a true mass manufacturer to do so. It would definitely upset the balance. It would also upset the balance if more people knew the Mack part number for non gated bullets with high flow compressor housings priced around $650. What do people pay for a bullet now around $2000? Talk about profits, wow! Looking at the supply chains I have seen, a twin kit with piping and chargers should be between $1900 to $2900. If I had less irons in the fire I would do something about that. The problem is that it would be a one size fits all type scenario62/6514/ s476/1.32. I think in the future the people that will rule the aftermarket are the ones that don't try to get rich on every sale. Pricing and selection are getting better everyday. I still don't see why people pay so much for "brand name" parts. Use google and get around the fat cats with fancy logos. By the way most "manufacturers" just use components that sort of work and that are most profitable, not the ones tht will work the best.

My best advice use companies that don't have time to get fancy logos, big buildings, and large marketing programs. Just look in diesel power, if they have 1-2 page ads, go somewhere else. If they sponsor 50 race and pull trucks, go elsewhere. Ever wonder why there are so many cheerleaders? They are on the tit? Sounds crazy but who's money do you think paid for all of that marketing and new fancy trucks??? You! And I have heard them make fun of the tools that blindly pay for whatever they say to buy. Don't be a tool or do be a tool. Just know that you were warned.

Ok. I'm off of my soap box now. Back to the staus quo
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My thoughts exactly.

First of all, if I have one more person ask me if I have "one of them bullydawgs" on my truck I think I'm going to flip.

Second, I think it's funny when someone talks about how they hate banks because they are bs then turn around and cheerlead for similar companies, all because that's what everyone else agrees with. There's being uninformed and then there's being naive.
I have spent the last two weeks in the Philippines and I have to say bully dog does a damn god job marketing. I was in a back alley looking for a diesel motorcycle engine and I saw some scooters (100cc 2strokers) with bullydog stickers. What is that all about????? Talk about marketing saturation! That has always been the part of this that pisses me off to where I want to punch brick walls. It is that intangibility of herd mentality. You can have a great part but you can't think for people.

I don't know why somebody isn't already doing a lower price quality piping kit. The charger companies are totally missing the boat! At least 10 companies make piping, but I don't think anybody has utilized a true mass manufacturer to do so. It would definitely upset the balance. It would also upset the balance if more people knew the Mack part number for non gated bullets with high flow compressor housings priced around $650. What do people pay for a bullet now around $2000? Talk about profits, wow! Looking at the supply chains I have seen, a twin kit with piping and chargers should be between $1900 to $2900. If I had less irons in the fire I would do something about that. The problem is that it would be a one size fits all type scenario62/6514/ s476/1.32. I think in the future the people that will rule the aftermarket are the ones that don't try to get rich on every sale. Pricing and selection are getting better everyday. I still don't see why people pay so much for "brand name" parts. Use google and get around the fat cats with fancy logos. By the way most "manufacturers" just use components that sort of work and that are most profitable, not the ones tht will work the best.

My best advice use companies that don't have time to get fancy logos, big buildings, and large marketing programs. Just look in diesel power, if they have 1-2 page ads, go somewhere else. If they sponsor 50 race and pull trucks, go elsewhere. Ever wonder why there are so many cheerleaders? They are on the tit? Sounds crazy but who's money do you think paid for all of that marketing and new fancy trucks??? You! And I have heard them make fun of the tools that blindly pay for whatever they say to buy. Don't be a tool or do be a tool. Just know that you were warned.

Ok. I'm off of my soap box now. Back to the staus quo

That is correct. Who ever gives the best "Bang" for the "Buck"$$$. Share the Mack # so it will upset the market.
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Haha, I am abroad right now, but I will spill the beans when I get back! It is what I run on my truck. It comes with a non gated t-4 flanged housing. for the price I just got an external gate (45mm) from majestic and I was still around $1100. I also spent $50 to get an hx-40 flange cut on the. exhaust outlet. Even if you don't want to adapt, it is a great way to get around a full rebuild
