What size external wastegate?


New member
Oct 20, 2010
I plan on using an external wg on my he351cw with a s475 on the bottom.
(do not plan on using the internal on the he351.)

What size waste gate should I be looking for? 38mm , 44mm ???
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A 50mm gate would handle a ton of fuel and a good shot of nitrous too. If no spray is planned I would go with a 38mm. It is possible to go too large with a gate as I am finding out now.
A 50mm gate would handle a ton of fuel and a good shot of nitrous too. If no spray is planned I would go with a 38mm. It is possible to go too large with a gate as I am finding out now.

Care to explain? I've got a lead on a 60mm....
My 26mm internal gate is bypassing plenty of exhaust to keep the He351's shaft speed reasonable on my Junker Drag Truck's twin setup with HT4B (83mm) atmosphere turbo.

I don't think I'd personally waste the money on an external gate, but if I did, I'd probably look at something around 30 mm in size.