What to do with Water/meth in winter ?


New member
Jan 5, 2008
What do you guys running water/meth in COLD weather do if you're not using it ? I'm worried about lines breaking due to freezing. Even -40 windshield washer fluid does freeze. Should it be drained or up the methanol ?
Just turn it off. At those temperatures its not doing anything useful anyways.

-40 is already 40% methanol, adding more will only cause detonation in the cylinders.
I just left mine full of straight water with 0* temps, it froze, nothing bad happened.

That was my luck anyway, likely drain it this year.
The local Duramax guru mentioned just upping the meth percentage , but I'm not sure I like that idea.
yeah, one quick hit of washer fluid isn't going to melt the motor down to get the washer fluid pushed though the lines.

I'm an all water setup. I was thinking of just removing the stuff, not hard to do.
I run winter washer fluid spring and into summer , and when my stock pile runs out I've been mixing 50/50 with meth I can get from work. Funny , now that its cooler out , I sure feel the power more !
you should be fine i ran mine all last winter in wyoming with just -25 and it got down past -35 at night and i didnt have any issues much more then 40% meth gets tricky i tried that once with 50/50 and blew a piston just my .02
if minus 40 windshield washer fluid freezes hard the temp has to be down around minus 60. you got way bigger problems than your WI system. at minus 40 its going to start getting like a real thick slush but not solid
You're correct , it slushes not completely solid. I was just worried about expansion in those hard plastic lines.
Just disconnect the power and then disconnect the lines and any expansion is just going to leak out. Of course you won't be able to use the system, but if it's that cold I don't think high temps are going to be much of an issue.
A 50/50 blend of Water Methanol Solution has a freezing point of -65F. If you are somewhere that cold just unhook the line to the nozzle.
if u have a solenoid you should be able to just leave it off w.o worrying about it...