What would be considered safe on a "stock" p-pump 24v?


Too Drunk To Drive
Jan 10, 2010
My setup is fairly stock for the most part (i.e. stock hx35 turbo, injectors, cam....everything minus the p-pump). I have a 180hp pump with around 18.5* timing. I was planning on running no plate/no afc with my foot being the control (I have an EGT gauge). What can i run for boost without lifting the head?
You'll kill that hx35 before you lift the head IMO. Unless your headgasket is already hurt. You'd make more power keeping the afc and plate and just tune them to with what you have.
i pushed my HX35 past 50 PSI and didnt lift the head :hehe: but at that point you should be more concerned with drive pressure and EGT's than boost numbers
im curious as well im gonna be doing it on a completely stock truck too is this ok?
I come from the land of gas engines and tuning on my RX-7; so, diesels are a whooooooole different world in respects to what you can do. Is there a point where the HX-35 doesn't really make anymore power and turn into an oversized hairdryer? I'd like to get some decent power out of my setup now that I have options. Oh and in response to JFagg and the plate/AFC, I'm kinda a sucker for a good smoke show (call me the ricer of the diesel world). I'm sure i'll just end up cutting a pretty mean plate and tune the AFC a little less then conservative.
I might as well pack one more question into this thread. I wasn't being terribly smart and i should have got a GSK for my truck while the pump was out. I was curious to know if there is an intermediate GSK between 3K and 4K i'd like to retain the stock redline at 3200RPM but if this isnt an option whats my best course of action?
well.....to answer your first questions, 35psi is about the max psi that the 35 is efficient to. and as for the gsk, just get the 4k, mine is set to free rev to 4k, but it fuels hard to 34-3500 and then starts cutting fuel
Killer! I will start making adjustments and blind purchases!
pacbrake makes a good 4k kit, there are others, but that one sticks out to me, im pretty good at setting up those p-pumps, but there are a lot of guys more knowledgeable than myself, it may also be wise to invest in a set of 60# valve springs just for cheap insurance $.02
I come from the land of gas engines and tuning on my RX-7; so, diesels are a whooooooole different world in respects to what you can do. Is there a point where the HX-35 doesn't really make anymore power and turn into an oversized hairdryer? I'd like to get some decent power out of my setup now that I have options. Oh and in response to JFlagg and the plate/AFC, I'm kinda a sucker for a good smoke show (call me the ricer of the diesel world). I'm sure i'll just end up cutting a pretty mean plate and tune the AFC a little less then conservative.

First off, I fixed your post for ya LOL
2nd, after about 35 psi a 35 is just blowing hot air even if you push it to 50 psi, it won't move enough air to lift your head. I would go with a set of 4kgsk. I have a 0 plate, though I would go with a 10 possibly with an hx35. If you really have to be able to smoke, just slide your plate full forward. Since you said you have a 180 pump I think you should have 181 Dv's which aren't that bad. 191's would get you alittle more fuel, but until you get more air they would do anything for you.
Oh man, i didn't even catch that on my re-read. Sorry man. hahaha. Thanks for the info guys. I'll give pacbrake a look
cuz smoke is awesome!! haha. i have my AFC gutted and no plate, but i can control my smoke with my foot, its NOT hard to get under the boost on that 66, but i can drive it virtually smoke free
well yeah, but why not dial in the AFC to optimize spool up? :confused:

the AFC won't limit power, so why not set it up to optimize spool up and not have to focus on smoke while daily driving?

stab the pedal and accelerate as quick as possible every time
well yeah, but why not dial in the AFC to optimize spool up? :confused:

the AFC won't limit power, so why not set it up to optimize spool up and not have to focus on smoke while daily driving?

stab the pedal and accelerate as quick as possible every time
displacedtexan likes this
well yeah, but why not dial in the AFC to optimize spool up? :confused:

the AFC won't limit power, so why not set it up to optimize spool up and not have to focus on smoke while daily driving?

stab the pedal and accelerate as quick as possible every time

i agree with you Forrest, i just had to do my daily stirring of the pot, i planned on putting my AFC guts back in cuz after i added the full cuts it got a bit more smoky than i liked for daily driving:evil
i agree with you Forrest, i just had to do my daily stirring of the pot, i planned on putting my AFC guts back in cuz after i added the full cuts it got a bit more smoky than i liked for daily driving:evil

I apologize for slacking on calibrating my sarcasm detector! :eek: LOL

you reeled me right in! :bang

a well tuned/modded AFC is just another tool... there's nothing wrong with using a calculator even if you know how to do the long form math... there's nothing wrong with using a riding lawn mower even if you're capable of using a pair of scissors, etc. etc.
well yeah, but why not dial in the AFC to optimize spool up? :confused:

the AFC won't limit power, so why not set it up to optimize spool up and not have to focus on smoke while daily driving?

stab the pedal and accelerate as quick as possible every time

I ran my truck with no AFC for months and was able to drive it smoke free fairly easily. That being said, once I did hook up the AFC (I was too lazy to drill and tap the air horn for a signal line), it was so much nicer to drive. No more worrying about blowing rediculous amounts of smoke. Although that was convenient way of dispatching of the odd tailgater.
Running no plate and no AFC now. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN