When is a T-6 better than a T-4 for large single?


New member
Oct 28, 2008
Trying to find some info on the use of a T-6 turbine vs a T-4.. When is bigger better?
How much fuel and RPM are you throwing at the turbo? What size turbo? Goals?
Its an 80mm/4k ish 03 CR w/UDC
, i was just curious if or when a T-6 would benefit. I'm not exactly sure of my drive as my gauge is on its way out, been fluttering like an old chevy speedo.
Is there any spooling difference between t4 and t6? Assuming you bought manifolds not the adapter. I have a 472 with a .90 t6 on it didn't know if a guy should go t4 for DD.