Where are my injectors??


New member
Nov 7, 2009
Ordered a set of injectors from SDX over 2 months ago(4/6/10). Im currently deployed in a warzone right now so I had them sent to my buddies shop were the truck is being kept. Sent SDX an email on the status per my buddy hadnt received them, and they said they were being held at the post office for pickup.

Instead of sending them to the shipping address (which I requested) they were sent to the billing address that I no longer live at. The post office knows I dont live there anymore so they are sitting at the post office awaiting pickup. Post office wont let my buddy pickup because they only put my name on it.

I sent SDX a reply email saying theyd have to handle this from there end as I am in BFE. Ive yet to get an email reply or have the injectors show up at my buddies diesel shop. I dont have a phone so this is how I had to get ahold of you guys. Order ID# 125.

Whats up guys? Lets get this problem resolved.

Possible solutions Ive come up with:

-upfront me a new set until the post office returns the others (we used to call this a "free-a-stray" at JEGS.
-get ahold of the Imperial Beach post office and re-direct/return to sender.
-refund me and Ill buy them all over again

note: including a free SDX t-shirt with any of the above solutions is gonna help smooth things over with this customer haha.
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a rather lengthy "construction" process.... but i can assure you that you will NOT be dissappointed.
Long story short we goofed and sent it to the wrong address. After we found out about the issue we tried calling the 1800# for usps with no success so we got a hold of your local PO and had them sent here. They arrived Tuesday (6/15) and went out Tuesday. I have sent you an E-mail and a PM including your UPS tracking #

On a side note we no longer use the post office to ship injectors unless requested.

Just wanted to thank Chris and Weston @ SDX for the timely help, I realize that, from a customer service standpoint its not easy getting a package rerouted, especially through the post office. The post office is usually my last resort (just below carrier pigeon ha,ha).

My reason for getting my bigger sticks from SDX is simply because of the amazing reputation that precedes you amongst serious truck enthusiast.

By taking care of my issues so quickly I think, you've demonstrated why SDX is so highly recommended.

Thanks again.
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