Where can you get a new,not reman cp3

Jace, its still not data watching a gauge bounce around. Watching desired vs actual RP would tell you exactly what is going on.

Are you just replacing the New FCA that came with the New CP3K? Have you put a stock, non-molested regulator in place of the modified one that came in the Arson kit?

You have plenty of Displacement to supply your demand. All that volume of fuel has to go somewhere, and with a 5.9 it has no where to go except thru the injectors. That's why you are seeing the rail pressure gradually fall. A modified regulator is harder if not impossible to control, especially if you add a 2nd CP3.

You are still dealing with a control issue.

If I had a scanner to log with I'd use it but I don't.

Yes, replaced the cp3k's fca with a stock one. While leaving the arson one alone, it's fine from what I've concluded.
You can pull yall's cp3 off the belt and leave the controller plugged in both cp3's and the truck runs perfectly fine. Which is partly telling me the arson fca is working fine and making up for what the other pump is missing since they should be sharing the load equally still.

Yes it falls gradually but later when I'm increasing throttle input it drops from 15k to 5k in an instant like it should when you let off the throttle but I was still increasing it.

I did do a flow test earlier. This was just enough run time to start the truck, go around to the front and say o sh!t and run back and shut it off. Care to guess which one is just the secondary cp3 return and hp side output? I've left a cap off the stock cp3 and injector return before and it had little if any return. That and how little the hp side put out. Maybe 15 ml's if that.

I've got a feeling if I'd ran it longer I would've seen spurts out of the hp side at random times. I'll put a bucket under the return tomorrow and see what happens. But if I remember right, a bad cascade valve causes high rates of return.

Care to explain this?

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You have a brand new FCA on its way to replace the used one on your stock pump. There is also a brand new ATS dual pump controller on its way to you from ATS, as a litmus test, to ensure that all controlling variables are common to what we (FPE) know with certainty to work. IE: ECM command to Dual Pump controller, Dual pump controller signal to FCA's.

What are you doing about a turbo? Do you have one to put on so that you can actually drive the truck?


You have a brand new FCA on its way to replace the used one on your stock pump. There is also a brand new ATS dual pump controller on its way to you from ATS, as a litmus test, to ensure that all controlling variables are common to what we (FPE) know with certainty to work. IE: ECM command to Dual Pump controller, Dual pump controller signal to FCA's.

What are you doing about a turbo? Do you have one to put on so that you can actually drive the truck?


:clap: good to see vendors stand behind their products.