Who all suffered the John_P wrath....


Ezekiel 25:17
Apr 21, 2006
better known as John Porterfield's handshake? if you met him this weekend, you probably have a bruised hand.

I think John could squeeze an anvil into mush if he felt like it. LOL

Love ya John...but I had to give ya some crap. :D
Not once, not twice, but three times. Still regret each one of them. LOL

It was nice meeting and talking to you John.
I met him off tdr back in the day, probably one of the most friendly people ive ever met.
:hehe: John is awesome And I will suffer he Hand Shake anytime just to say hello!
I'm with Phil. I'll gladly 'suffer' with a friendly handshake from John_P. Thanks for always being friendly John!
Met him at Fall Brawl once. Had an awesome conversation with him about my '94 at the time. Suffered the handshake twice in 20 minutes. It's a pretty badass handshake, made me firm mine up.
John is an awesome guy! David Dunbar introduced me to him at Scheid Extravaganza a few years back and I shot his truck for a feature. I get the handshake everytime I see him and I welcome those opportunities, especially since I missed most of last summer recovering...
Thanks for all your nice comments and posts fellas!:rockwoot:

It was great to see and talk to all of you again too! I haven't been able to get to alot of these events in the spring due to my teaching schedule but fortunately I was able to make Dennis and Shelia's event. I plan on being at the Indy event and for sure at Dan Scheid's Extravagnaza. Wouldn't miss that one!

Thanks again guys!

I always thought I could hold my own, but John P has got a Grip!!!

John's Good people!!
Always a friendly guy.

Hope to see ya soon John.
i HATE limp wristed hand shakes. thats never a problem with John...
Ya'll are wimps, toughen up :poke:

Good to see you again Sir!

You're still typing with one hand, shutup!

John Porterfield is one of the best in my opinion and I have been blessed with hanging out with him for the last 7 or 8 years. If you ever get a chance to sit down and hear some of his old police stories from back in the day it is well worth the time.

It is a pleasure to call him family.
You're still typing with one hand, shutup!

John Porterfield is one of the best in my opinion and I have been blessed with hanging out with him for the last 7 or 8 years. If you ever get a chance to sit down and hear some of his old police stories from back in the day it is well worth the time.

It is a pleasure to call him family.

:umno: Unlike you limp wrists from Colorado, I'm used to folks who shake hands like John :poke:
That explains why you walk around looking like a bald Josh Blue. LOL

John P is one of the best.

I have actually ridden in his Red Sleeper, once. Even fresh from the shower, I felt as though I was tarnishing it just by sitting within. I kept my feet soundly placed on the towel that was nicer than the ones I sometimes shower with and tried not to touch anything. LOL It is important to note, the sheer cleanliness of the truck made me feel that way, John certainly didn't.:clap: