Who all will be at DeLeon this weekend?


New member
Sep 20, 2007
Just going to see who all is planning to come to the Peach and Melon festival this weekend for the pulls in DeLeon, TX
I am still trying to get everything together so i am not sure i am going to make it or not.
We will be there in the Texas Diesel Power booth.
they pissed me off, i will never go back and i wont take the 25 or so people that went with me every year.
Oh come on gunracer you need to bring the dually back out there and put a whipping on Lynn again.
I was there last night and plan on being there Friday and Saturday. Unfortunately, the truck isn't ready, so we won't be pulling. I am covering the event for the one of the diesel mags. So, it is a coverage possibility to any and all diesels who pull.
I was there last night and it was pretty good but i hope they have a better turn out tonight and tomorow night.
you won't have to worry about the turn out, there will be plenty of trucks to see...
Peach and Melon

Well Gunracer,
Things have evolved a little in De Leon. They acutally have classes now,let you have hanging weights, and a really nice 2 track new pulling facillity. I will say that one side was extremely hard and ruff. Traction became a issue on that side. Overall and for the most part things are getting better there. Still some issues to be worked out but overall a good pull. By the way someone mentioned Lynn, his son had some breakage Saturday night. Seems like the tranny I believe. Buck, the red truck looks super strong and Congrads on the win Saturday night. With some tires on that beast, no telling were you would have been. And Les, the dually hooks up better than any truck there in the last three years. You definally have that machine in fine form.:rockwoot:
Good to see everyone again and nice to meet new people. Had a blast!
:bang:bang well i was trying to make it. But i just could not get away. I was really looking forward to pulling on the new track. Anyone have any video?????????
there were a few people shooting. So I know someone has some. I took a couple but mostly shot stills with my video camera.
Good to see everyone again and nice to meet new people. Had a blast!

For those of you that did make it to DeLeon pull last weekend, was wondering what ya'll thought of the new track area. I'll be happy to pass it on to the commitee.
Love the new facility other than can't hear the anouncer very well. Oh and still couldn't believe we were finished arount midnight...

Oh yah if anyone sees my hitch runnin around please tell me, someone walked off with it. So needless to say I will never loan my hitch out again!!!
You can only lend out your junky stuff, Buck!

The good pieces like to grow legs...