Who Has Been Bent Over The Barrel By Monster Pump Mike ???

I tried 3 stage 2 pumps. First one idled at 1500 rpm. Second one blew a shaft seal 400 mile from home. Third one blew the guts apart. First 2 were with stock lines and scheid lightning2 injectors. Third pump was 7x25 and 093 lines. I was only testing for East Coast Diesel. They told me they couldn't reach Mike and were out many thousand dollars. I said to hell with it and run a stock pump.
So is there a way too keep the MONSTER under the bed and out of our dreams? I'm already scared
My 4bt runs better than my dodge and pump benched more flow than the "monster". So wherever the monster part comes from I'll never know.
After saturday night its no wonder this thread is back to the top!:hehe:

Ole Steve B must think people have short memories.....:blahblah1:
NADM east coast nats were in PA a bunch of us were eating dinner sat night and Steve randomly came up to a fella in our group who just P-pumped his 24V and started talking about how his monster pump was so superior :blahblah1: Kinda odd how the whole thing transpired.
After saturday night its no wonder this thread is back to the top!:hehe:

Ole Steve B must think people have short memories.....:blahblah1:

Three of you guys from Conn, so far wheres the rest at :cheer: :cheer:
NADM east coast nats were in PA a bunch of us were eating dinner sat night and Steve randomly came up to a fella in our group who just P-pumped his 24V and started talking about how his monster pump was so superior :blahblah1: Kinda odd how the whole thing transpired.

If my memory serves me right I don't believe I said MONSTER PUMP. The only talk about a pump came from someone at the corner of your table saying something about a PEE pump flowing 540 cc's wasn't going to be beat by no VP pumped truck. I think I said I really didn't care how much it flowed or how many turbos he has. I'm sure some day we'll meet on a drag strip. Hey I did see you guys trucks in the SHOW and SHINE area. Lookin goooood. Nice bumpers is that a New England thing. Thanks Steve B.
Hey monkey wrench you guys should have introduced your selves when I was standing at your table so I know who I'm talking to on here. :Cheer: