who runs the facebook page?


Feb 10, 2008
well im not new to the forum or diesels by any means but didnt realize we had a facebook page! ive joined and left about 10 diesel facebook pages due to the fact that i cant stand seeing 16 year old kids posting videos of "rolling coal" on random people. i sent a request to join the facebook page just hope you guys keep the immature kids out of it.
Look up clean diesel performance.

Fwiw, I've seen TravisG post on Facebook then a couple minutes later the CompD page will post.
I don't think you have to be added to the page. I think all you have to do is like it and you're in.
Weird, I thought I was on there already but apparently not. Just sent the request.

He must be talking about the CompD group run by Ryan Acker
yea i just realized i was joining competition diesel.... not competitiondiesel.com. it is as easy as "liking" the page... my bad... my bad.
How come on the "official" page we can not post on it like you can on other pages, Cummins Forum for example.
When I post on it, it seems people can't see it. Only the owners of the page seem to be able to post on it.
It post on the left side of the page about halfway down.