

Diesel for life.
May 9, 2007
Have you ever just wondered why? Why the economy is dead, why we have turned away from "In GOD we trust", why nothing seems to make the country as a whole happy(democrats vs republicans). " It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but you have made it a den of thieves." Luke 19:46 KJV In the script this is speaking of the temple which was full of "venders" who were using the place of worship for something it should not be. I believe you can apply this same passage to our country today. We have taken a country founded on GOD and turned it around to be "political correct" and not offend anyone, our fault as Christians aswell, I am guilty as the next guy for letting this happen and not standing up for Our LORD and Savior JESUS CHRIST. You could even go so far as the "temple" being our hearts and souls, we let things in and kinda just turn our back. Lets stand up for what we trust and take our country back to "In GOD we trust", if not for us, for the next generations who are going to have a mess to deal with.
i see your point.now ,if you recall in the last book things are going to get bad,strange,ugly and controlled.i here many christians talk about how bad it is.i do my part as best as God has equipt me to do,for the most part.i (we) could always do more.none of the way the world is going bugs me.i am not happy about it.and pray for change.hey man i am saved!Jesus did all the work.he is going to judge ME and MY life.and he will look at my gifts and what i did with them.the time we now live in is not the old testament i will NOT pay for the sins of this country .just myself !
i am in the front lines.i have a hard ministry.i deal with gangmembers/people who just get out of prison/drug addicts and homeless.and i love it! yes it is a bummer when they tell me off but thats my gig.i can deal with it ,with the eyes of Christ(most of the time)one man i was dealing with was Tim.he and i got along well.we had some kind of bond.maybe because we led parallel lives at one time.anyway ,after some time i told him what the score is in life.and then i told him(only because we were close)now tim ,you are kinda screwed and have no excuses with God.he said "what do you mean"i told him now that you know the score when we leave here and i take you back to the shelter.if we get in a crash and die you cant tell God "no one ever told me".i cant remember but i think he gave his heart to the Lord.so the strange part is a year went by he still came to church then he got a job and left the shelter.a few months ago he was hit by a car walking down the road.we have had a few deaths in this ministry.but my job remains.
I agree we could all do better. More people need to stand up and defend our Saviour. This country needs God back in it! I defend him, but not near as much as I should. It makes me angry evertime I hear "winter festival" instead of CHRISTMAS Holidays. Political correctness is crap if you ask me. I love Lord Jesus and He is the true Saviour and more people need to give hime the credit he deserves. God Bless Us all.
I had a secretary last year who told me that our christmas card's should not say merry christmas, but happy holiday's. it would offend our customer's, needless to say she is no longer employed there, because of other reason's, LOL but every christmas card we send out say's Merry Christmas and alway's will.
Don't even get me started on the PC "Happy Holidays" nonsense... it drives me nuts! We definitely need to keep CHRIST in CHRISTMAS! The United States of America is a Christian nation after all. It is under attack big time, so we need to stand up for our Lord and Savior every chance we get!