Witch clutch?


Ford guy
Jun 2, 2007
Which clutch?

Which does a better job?
Sb Iron giant or Haisley comp puller DD
Just looking for some input.
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"Which" ever one doesnt throw you in a big black pot full of frogs, cat heads and lizards!!
Wait, wait. A better job at what? Rattling, breaking drive lines, smashing fingers during installation, casting spells?
Blowing smoke! Ha!

From my Not-So-Smart phone
Never ran an iron giant but love my comp puller. I like all the adjustments the comp puller has and is lighter than most anything else if that matters any.
running a haisley triple disk and love it so far. much better than the SB iron giant i had.
I've always run Haisley clutches. My latest being a comp-puller. I hear lots of good things about Kenny's too but I've never used one. All I can say is ill never go back to a non weighted clutch again. The difference is night and day.
I've always run Haisley clutches. My latest being a comp-puller. I hear lots of good things about Kenny's too but I've never used one. All I can say is ill never go back to a non weighted clutch again. The difference is night and day.

I have never ran a weighted clutch but may venture that way soon.
Have always wondered if its worth the headache of dropping the tranny that many more times to adjust as it wears. I'm a 6 speed so haisley's triple is out of the question. Seems the non weighted clutches now days are rated within 100HP of weighted clutches and after talking to Dan and Kenny I'm not so convinced it really makes a difference on holding and longevity. however they will provide much more consistent launches I believe.
I'm no expert on anything so I can't say that a dual disc comp puller is better than a dual disc street puller as far as longevity but it gives you such a nicer launch off the line that you'll never want to go back. It makes lighting bigger chargers a breeze compared to a non-weighted.
Thanks for the input guys that is what I was looking for.
I pretty much figured what the answer would be.
Haisley weighted hands down, no worry in trying to light, i have a double in 1 tk triple in other wont ever go away from them, but everything i buy comes from curt
I have ran a SB Triple and now a Haisley Triple disc. And like everyone else has said, there is a night and day difference... Haisley all the way! I have 2 full seasons on mine and have never touched it.