Would you come to a track in North GA. if there was one.


Diesel Nut
May 31, 2007
Hey guys,

If there was a track in North Georgia do you think there would be a chance it could take off. I know it would take some time. Just trying to feel the waters and see.

Cartersville is aweful close to Steele...but if the place is nice the people will come.
Talking about sled pulling. Not drag racing. Have someone that has some farm land and just trying to see if there would be any interest.
I see that now...sometimes replying off the new post list bites ya in the ass. LOL
I think it would have to be a very professionally run and built track to get anything other than local boys to come out.

Some guys in SC ( Westminster ) very close to NE. GA had some land donated by the county that they built a nice little track on. It started slow but, now attracts a decent crowd........ " of locals ". The few trucks that show are nothing fancy and local. They charge $10 to get in and $10 per pull. From what I've been told.... they've spent more than they've made.

If you're asking if pros would show, I think that takes a lot of money for purses.... not counting money spent just to have the track, a lot of planning and professionalism to pull it off.

Good luck !
We have ours in middle georgia and Smokin 09 pull is going our best chance in getting Diesel truck pulling a good turnout in Georgia.
I have tried to get people to come out in GA, it just hasn't caught on that big yet. Money sure attracts some. Washington pull near us pays out for classes but still no more than 15 trucks.

Diesel Trucks are starting to pick up but we are long ways from other pulls up North.

If you do it good luck.
Westminister has our old sled and attracts a good number of Diesel.
I know your in N. Ga, but I think more West/S. West Ga would bring a lot more competitors/ specators. Lot of diesel's down in peanut country
We would probly come down and maybe bring 4 or 5 trucks if we were able but its still a nice lil ride and fuel bill. But its possible.