WTT: S400 for 64 or 66 turbo....


MO Money
Nov 28, 2007
I'm wondering if anyone is interested in tradeing a 64 or 66 turbo for my s400. I have a 2.8 bushing and a 2.6 race cover for it also along with the down pipe. I'm de-tuning my pull truck and would like something more streetable. Let me know if any of you guys are interested.

Thanks, Brian
Bump...i will have the specs on wheel size later today. Turbo also has .9 exhaust housing on it, i also have the 1.10 housing.
how much would you want for the charger? I have a new s-465 if you would want to trade like that maybe. Also know someone that may be interested in buying it. PM me a price if you want to sell it. thanks
I would like to trade for something smaller. I have too many other things going on and dont have the time to go pulling every other weekend. Plus I need a work truck so I dont beat my king ranch all to hell.

If I dont get any offers in a week or so I will consider selling it.
How many lbs/min and what is the effeciant boost pressure, I have a fairly new HTT 66/71/13ss
Turbo Flow Rates...s400
CFM-----Racing Hp-----Daily Hp--Inducer

Hope this helps Mo Smoke, im not sure on the boost. My gauge only went to 60lbs and it would peg it. Im interested in your 66.

I'm interested in your turbo the only thing I have to trade out is a hx 50 that is set up with a cut exhaust housing that spools good, but If you would want to sell out right let me know
Hx50 is a tad larger than I would like. I'll let you know at the end of week if I decided to sell it.
Just gotmy hours cut at work so I am out of this one.....Maybe later when the owners stop spending company money on stupid personal things and PAY THEIR BILLS....and get rid of the dead wood employee's that don't contribute
Iv got a II SPS 66 its on my truck right now but would be willing to trade.