ZZ Custom Fabrication porting?


New member
Sep 18, 2008
I have been thinking of sending my head out for them to port. I was just wondering what others have heard about their work.
very good but very pricey.

this has crossed my mind MANY times but at the moment dont have the money due to other priorities i have in this build.

I just bought all the stuff to port my own head, its not very hard just time consuming. I have about 250 in everything to do my own.
a baby's butt would be jealous of how smooth mine is:rockwoot:Greg did a super fine job for me.
I might be going the ZZ route myself.....

Yeah it might be pricey but at least you know its going to be done right $.02

Has anyone had any bad experiences with Greg at ZZ??
i had my 4b head done by Greg, looks good, and decent flow numbers:)
haven't got it all together yet, but I think it'll be worth it.
Awesome I will have to get some more money together and give him a call. About how long did it take him to get it back to you?
i cant remember.so that must a good thing.when i blew a hg.i was searching out a bunch of parts.so i had other things to do as well.i would call and ask "what kind of turn around time are we talking" he's good to work with. if i had to do it again. i would.