Where are all the Super Stock trucks that were being built???

I am excited about this class too and was really hoping that it would catch on and have more participants and more racing orgs would pick up this class too. The thing I was really hoping for from the Florida race was the format of the higher entry fees and higher payout . And thought if it would work here it would also catch on in the higher classes too. I have driven around this country racing for years to allot of the races that wouldn't even cover the cost of fuel to get there . Yeah I do it for the fun but it would be nice if you did win you could at least recoup your traveling money. I was hoping as more racers got involved the sport would take off.
With the higher pay outs I think it would attract more racers and sponsors and spectators. I used to fish in the pro circuit back in the 90's the entry fees for that at that time were 750.00 per tournament. You could win 50,000.00 for first place. Now that has taken off and more sponsors got involved and they are fishing for 150,000.00 per tournament. I don't think you will ever see anything like that in this sport but it is just an example of where things can go.
I am looking forward to the Florida race again and am looking to be a lot more competitive then last year. At least I should have a few things sorted out on the truck before I get there this coming year.
I even think the other classes should have some kind of buy in not the 500.00, but 75 for ET, and 125 for 12.0. Not like the Super stock but something for a little money! The gambler race last year had a 35 buy in and it was a nice purse for me. I had not wine that much in 1 shot before!
i agree with toolman and joel on this for sure....also maybe a idea someone could get close with a airport so we can all fly there free ?......bahahahahahahahahaha
What happened to the event that jeff garmon doesn't want to be involved anymore?
Its being run as an outlaw race that will include that class.
Bringing this to the top. What happened to all of the Super Stock racers?? I'm trying another class this year almost identical to Super Stock. Only rule changes are a true 66 charger, and 7000lbs for a 4x4 and 6250 for the two wheel drives. I'm really trying here guys, pick a class and lets race.
im in....fr what im not sure..probly be a t shirt..between werk and being sick i cant even get my stuff installed i bought months ago. trucks either on the road or im so busy i just cant get to it...
but ill be there if anyone needs anyhting rediculous ill try to help out again

7k is a lot for the 4x4 reg cab guys :poke:

But not enough for the crew cabs. I haven't seen a whole lot of regular cabs either. The purpose of the heavier class is to attract more of what is running up and down the roads right now. I heard all kind of crying last year about my truck is too heavy to get down to 6k. I'm not into tailoring a class for specific trucks, these rules are very broad allowing more people a chance to compete. Just my thoughts though.
But not enough for the crew cabs. I haven't seen a whole lot of regular cabs either. The purpose of the heavier class is to attract more of what is running up and down the roads right now. I heard all kind of crying last year about my truck is too heavy to get down to 6k. I'm not into tailoring a class for specific trucks, these rules are very broad allowing more people a chance to compete. Just my thoughts though.

I said that cause i weighed my truck in at 5900 pounds the other day and 7k seems like a lot of weight to get up to, I wasnt trying to belittle your rules, With that said i would love to race in the super stock race! but money/ life limitations will keep me from running that class, and i live in utah so that pretty much killed my competitive chances :doh: LOL

I hope your race does good, i hate to see good things end, especially the super stock race. It had just got going :/
Well I'm Going to be there ready or not for SS. Thanks for the race.
I'm considering everyone's idea's at this time. What I was trying to get across was the fact that there are tons of crew cab trucks on the roads. These guys want to race heads up, but there really isn't a class that they fit into and be competitive. I'm not changing anything on Super Stock. I'm trying to start a new class for the average Joe. I feel that there would have been way more entries in Super Stock last year if the turbos would have been held to an affordable level. The heavy street truck class that I am implementing will better suit a larger portion of trucks. There is still a place for Super Stock, as it is great for turbo technology and the guys that know how to tune for it. And I feel that if the Heavy Truck class is a success I can approach the organizations with a package that they can add to their programs so everyone across the country can participate in. Just trying to make the sport more interesting for the majority of people. Let's give our thoughts and suggestions and see if this will work. I want to invite everyone that can possibly attend or be a part of to come for this race and have a good time.
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I completely agree Gary. Last year just went nuts! if this turns into something I can build the gold truck into that would be interesting!
I feel that there would have been way more entries in Super Stock last year if the turbos would have been held to an affordable level.


Also, 7K lbs. for Heavy Street is great... making weight for this class is readily attainable for most DD and purpose-built trucks (i.e. SS).
Well fella's, Ive got a few more inquiries on Super Stock. There is more of ya out there, lets get em signed up for Bradenton!! Two more weeks.